
Ortotična oskrba psa z izraženim valgusom obeh kolen : diplomsko delo
ID Klešnik, Urša (Author), ID Lampe, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pavlović, Monika (Comentor), ID Fošnarič, Miha (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Človek in pes sobivata že več tisoč let. V zadnjih desetletjih se je pasja vloga iz čuvaja, pomočnika pri lovu in delu spremenila v vlogo hišnega ljubljenčka. Ljudje ga zdaj bolj kot kdaj koli prej doživljamo kot enakopravnega družinskega člana, kar je povzročilo povečano potrebo po veterinarski oskrbi. Bolezni mišično-skeletnega sistema najpogosteje prizadenejo sposobnost gibanja. Oskrba z ortotičnimi pripomočki lahko psu povrne aktiven življenjski slog in izboljša kakovost življenja Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je izdelati ustrezni ortozi za psico pasme doberman z izraženim valgusom v obeh kolenih in zmanjšano gibljivostjo fleksije med hojo. Predstaviti želimo njuno izdelavo in preveriti funkcionalnost izdelanih pripomočkov. Metode dela: Za pripravo diplomskega dela smo uporabili dve metodi. V prvem delu smo opravili pregled strokovne literature, v nadaljevanju smo izvedli praktični del. Rezultati: Skupno smo izdelali šest ortoz. Vsako izmed njih smo posebej preizkusili in na osnovi opažanj prilagajali izdelavo le-teh. Končni ortozi, ki sta se izkazali za najučinkovitejši, sta bili izdelani iz polipropilena in karbona. Psička je po enem tednu dobila odrgnine, vendar so te po prestanku uporabe izginile. Ob daljšem sprehodu psička ni izvajala zadostne fleksije kolena, kar se je med hojo kazalo kot zatikanje prstov. Razprava in zaključek: Z vse večjo vpletenostjo psov v naše življenje se je povečala tudi naša skrb za njihovo zdravje. Razvoj ortotike in protetike prinaša možnost ortotične oskrbe živali, kar je bilo v preteklosti še nepredstavljivo. Danes lahko ortotično oskrbimo stanja, ki jih drugače ne moremo zdraviti ali zaradi katerih so bile živali nekoč evtanazirane. Z individualno izdelanimi kolenskimi ortozami smo psičko z izraženim valgusom obeh kolen oskrbeli le delno uspešno. Za boljšo oceno učinkovitosti ortoze bi bilo treba opraviti še natančnejše meritve. Zaradi težav pri daljši uporabi priporočamo redne preglede. Kakovostna izvedba oskrbe, podrobna analiza učinkovitosti in poročanje o ortotični oskrbi so ključni za uspešno ortotično obravnavo psov, tudi tistih, ki bodo oskrbe še deležni.

Keywords:diplomska dela, ortotika in protetika, zadnje okončine, pasje ortoze, kolenske opornice, deformacije, obvladovanje bolečin
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Klešnik]
Number of pages:32, [1] str., [2] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141186 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:123347459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Orthotic management of a dog with pronounced genu valgus of both knees : diploma work
Introduction: Humans and dogs have been co-living for thousands of years. In recent decades, the dog's role evolved from a guardian, hunting, and work assistant to the role of a pet. The need for veterinary care has expanded as more people than ever experience their pets as equal family members. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system most often affect the ability to move. Orthotic care can restore an active lifestyle and improve a dog's quality of life. Purpose: The aim of the thesis was to develop suitable orthoses for a Doberman dog with pronounced valgus in both knees with the associated restricted flexion motion during walking, present the process of making these orthoses and check their functionality. Methods: We used two methods to prepare the thesis. In the first part, we performed a review of the literature, followed by a practical part. Results: We produced a total of six orthoses. We tested each of them individually and adjusted the production of the following orthoses based on our observations. The final orthoses, which proved to be the most effective, were made of polypropylene and carbon. After a week of use, the dog got some abrasions, which vanished after the treatment was discontinued. During a long walk, the dog didn't perform sufficient knee flexion, which manifested as toe stubbing during walking. Discussion and conclusion: Our concern for dogs' welfare has grown as their presence in our lives has increased. The development of orthotics and prosthetics offers the possibility of orthotic care for animals, which was unimaginable in the past. Nowadays, orthoses allow us to treat conditions for which there are no other alternatives left or for which animals were once euthanized. We partially successfully treated a dog with pronounced valgus in both knees. To better assess the effectiveness of care, even more, precise measurements would be necessary. Due to problems with prolonged use, we recommend regular check-ups. Quality orthotic care execution, detailed analysis of effectiveness, and reporting on orthotic care are the key to successful orthotic treatment of dogs, even those who will yet receive orthotic care.

Keywords:diploma theses, orthotics and prosthetics, hind legs, canine orthoses, stifle braces, deformities, pain control

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