
Don Kihotova popotovanja po Sloveniji
ID Cerar, Julija (Author), ID Jezernik, Božidar (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo skuša predstaviti recepcijo in odnos do španskega romana Don Kihot v slovenskem kontekstu. V sami osnovi se osredotoči na tri glavne iztočnice, ki predstavijo, kako se je roman razvijal in živel ter kje vse je pustil svoj pečat. Kot prvo se avtorica posveti preletu vseh delnih in celotnih romanov, ki so v slovenskem jeziku nastali tekom let; osvetli nekatere razlike in podobnosti med njimi, nato pa izpostavi predvsem odnos, ki ga je do prevajanja imel Fran Zakrajšek, avtor prvega slovenskega (sicer delnega) prevoda. V nadaljevanju predstavi odmev romana v slovenski literaturi; avtorica ugotavlja, da je imel velik vpliv na pisatelja Janeza Trdino, čigar odnos do romana je razviden iz njegovih Spominov. Prav tako pomembno pa je tudi delo Janeza Mencingerja, Abadon, bajka za starce, ki ga mnogi slovenski intelektualci smatrajo za nekakšen dvojnik Cervantesovega romana. Kot zadnje avtorica izpostavi še enega Slovenca, ki je del svojega ustvarjanja posvetil Don Kihotu. Gre za Nikolaja Pirnata, ki je s svojimi ilustracijami pospremil prvi slovenski kompletni prevod romana. Pirnat pri svojem delu ni le poskrbel za upodobitev junakov, temveč je preko ilustracij odseval tudi svojo politično stališče.

Keywords:Don Kihot, prevajanje, literatura, ilustracije, odnos
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141172 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2022
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Title:The Journey of Don Quixote through Slovenia
This bachelor thesis attempts to present the reception of the Spanish novel Don Quixote in the Slovenian context and to examine attitudes towards this work. It focuses mainly on three main strands that show how the novel developed, how it was lived and where it left its mark. First, the author focuses on all of the partial and complete translations that have appeared over the years; she highlights some differences and similarities between them and then emphasises the relationship that Fran Zakrajšek, the author of the first Slovenian (partial) translation, had with his work. The author then points out the echo in Slovenian literature; she notes that the novel had a great influence on the writer Janez Trdina, whose attitude towards the novel is evident in his Spomini (Memories). Also important is Janez Mencinger's work, Abadon, bajka za starce (Abbadon, a Tale for Old Men) which many Slovenian intellectuals consider a kind of clone of Cervantes' novel. Last but not least, the author introduces another Slovenian who dedicated part of his work to Don Quixote. It was Nikolaj Pirnat who added his illustrations to the first complete Slovenian translation. Pirnat not only illustrated the characters but also expressed his political stance.

Keywords:Don Quixote, translation, literature, illustration, relations

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