
Zunanjost je pomembna: vpliv estetsko všečne embalaže na nakupne odločitve potrošnikov : vpliv estetsko všečne embalaže na nakupne odločitve potrošnikov
ID Stolnik, Anja (Author), ID Podnar, Klement (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Embalaža je eden glavnih komunikacijskih medijev, ki v tržnem okolju dobiva vse večjo težo. Poleg prenosa informacij ima embalaža danes tudi moč, da ujame potrošnikovo pozornost, omogoča diferenciacijo in prepoznavnost med izdelki. Kot raziskujejo mnogi, ima prav tako izredno pomembno vlogo tudi pri nakupu izdelkov. Embalaža je namreč prva stvar, ki jo potrošnik ob stiku z izdelkom opazi, zato ima moč, da potrošnika prepriča v nakup ali ga od njega odvrne. V kontekstu potrošnje so bolj estetsko privlačni izdelki povezani z višjo nakupno namero. Danes namreč potrošniki poleg funkcionalne vrednosti, zahtevajo tudi simbolno vrednost izdelka, ki jo lahko ustvarimo z oblikovanjem estetske embalaže. Tako kot privlačnim ljudem videz podarja nezavedno »premijo za lepoto«, visoka estetika embalaže daje nepriznano korist potrošnim dobrinam. Diplomsko delo je raziskovalo, ali všečnost estetske embalaže vpliva nakupno odločitev potrošnika. Odnos med omenjenima spremenljivkama je bil raziskan na podlagi kvantitativne raziskave, natančneje z anketnim vprašalnikom, ki ga je izpolnilo 155 respondentov. Izvedena analiza podatkov je zastavljeno hipotezo potrdila, kar pomeni, da bolj kot je posamezniku embalaža všeč, večja je njegova pripravljenost za izbiro. Poleg navedenega je pomembno poudariti, da raziskavo zaznamuje majhna reprezentativnost vzorca, zato podatkov ne moremo posplošiti na celotno populacijo.

Keywords:embalaža, všečnost estetske embalaže, nakupna odločitev potrošnikov, potrošniška izbira
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Stolnik]
Number of pages:46 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141131 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:123191811 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Appearance Matters: The Impact of Aesthetically Pleasing Packaging on Consumer Purchase Decisions : diplomsko delo
Packaging is one of the main communication media that is gaining more and more importance in the market environment. In addition to conveying information, packaging today also has the power to capture the consumer's attention and it can enable differentiation and recognition between products. As many researchers have found, it also plays an extremely important role in the purchase of products. The packaging is the first thing that the consumer notices upon contact with the product, therefore it has the power to convince the consumer to buy the product or even dissuade him from buying it. In the context of consumption, more aesthetically appealing products are associated with higher purchase intention. Today, in addition to the functional value, consumers also demand the symbolic value of the product, which can be created by designing aesthetically pleasing packaging. Just as appearance confers an unconscious "beauty premium" on attractive people, the high aesthetic of packaging confers an unrecognized benefit on consumer goods. The thesis researched whether likeability of aesthetic packaging influences the consumer's purchase decision. The relationship between the mentioned variables was investigated on the basis of quantitative research, more precisely with a questionnaire filled out by 155 respondents. The performed data analysis confirmed the set hypothesis, which means that the more an individual likes the packaging, the greater is his willingness to choose. In addition to this, it is important to emphasize that the research is characterized by a small sample representativeness, therefore the data cannot be generalized to the entire population.

Keywords:packaging, liking of aesthetic packaging, consumer purchase decision, consumer choice

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