
Upravljanje emocij v delovnem okolju : diplomsko delo
ID Zorko, Karla (Author), ID Šadl, Zdenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Čustva so vpletena v vse vidike družbenega življenja, vključno z delovnim okoljem, ki v zadnjih desetletjih zajema velik del poklicnih in profesionalnih obveznosti. Storitveni delavci in delavke morajo slediti pravilom in smernicam, ki jih določa menedžment podjetij, vključno s smernicami in pravili glede upravljanja s čustvi. Čustva predstavljajo pomemben del našega vsakdanjika, zato se moramo naučiti upravljati z njimi. Emocionalno delo kot nova oblika dela vključuje bodisi omejevanje bodisi spodbujanje poklicu oziroma profesiji ustreznih čustev, s katerimi zaposleni čim bolje opravljajo svoje delo oziroma storitve. V svojem diplomskem delu sem zajela dva poklica, ki zajemata dva različna pola emocionalnega dela in od katerih se pričakuje različno izkazovanje in upravljanje čustev. Ta poklica sta prodajalec/-ka v trgovini z oblačili ter referent/-ka na področju izvršb. Poklic prodajalca/-ke zahteva izkazovanje predvsem pozitivnih čustev, medtem ko zahteva poklic referenta/-ke na področju izvršb izkazovanje predvsem negativnih čustev. V svojem delu se bom ukvarjala z vprašanji glede zaželenih in zahtevanih čustev pri obeh poklicih, zanimalo me bo, ali prihaja pri tem do razlike med spoloma, ali sta poklica čustveno naporna in ali se čustvena obremenitev razlikuje glede na spol. Cilj diplomskega dela je odkriti, s katerimi čustvi se zaposleni soočajo v svojem delovnem vsakdanu, katera so tista čustva, ki so v njihovem delovnem okolju zaželena in kako se obremenitve glede upravljanja čustev razlikujejo glede na spol. S pomočjo kvalitativne metode raziskovanja bom podprla teoretični del diplomskega dela in s pol-strukturiranimi, poglobljenimi intervjuji primerjala zahteve obeh poklicev. Intervjuvanci so kot eno izmed ključnih sposobnosti, ki jih zahteva obravnavani poklic, izpostavili uspešno upravljanje čustev v stiku s strankami, saj je stranka tista, kateri se morajo zaposleni prilagajati, da lahko uspešno izpolnijo pričakovane cilje. Za prodajalce/-ke je pomembno izražanje pozitivnih čustev, ki povzročijo boljše razpoloženje strank in boljše ocene uspešnosti, medtem ko je pri referentu/-ki pomembno, da izraža tista čustva, ki ga bodo v dani situaciji pripeljala do uspešno izpolnjene delovne naloge. Emocionalno delo predstavlja ključni element storitvenega dela in poklicev, ki temeljijo na medosebnem stiku.

Keywords:čustva, emocionalno delo, delovno okolje, upravljanje čustev, izražanje čustev
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Zorko]
Number of pages:56 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141102 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:124107523 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Emotion management in the work environment
Emotions are involved in all aspects of social life, including the work environment, which in recent decades have encompassed large parts of occupational and professional responsibilities. Service workers must follow the rules and guidelines set by company management, including the guidelines and rules regarding the management of emotions. Emotions are an important part of our everyday life, so we must learn to manage them. Emotional work, as a new form of work, includes either limiting or encouraging the profession or occupation of the corresponding emotions with which employees perform their work or services as best as possible. In my diploma thesis, I covered two professions, which comprise two different poles of emotional work and from which different expressions and management of emotions are expected. These professions are a salesperson in a clothing store and a clerk in the enforcement field. The profession of salesperson requires the salesperson to show mainly positive emotions, while the profession of clerk in the field of executions requires showing mainly negative emotions. In my diploma thesis, I will deal with questions regarding the desired and required emotions in both occupations, whether there is a difference between the sexes, whether these occupations are emotionally demanding, and whether the emotional load differs according to gender. The aim of the thesis is to find out which emotions employees face in their everyday working life, which emotions are desirable in their work environment and how the stress on managing emotions is used according to gender. With the help of a qualitative research method, I will support the theoretical part of the thesis and compare the requirements of both professions with semi-structured, in-depth interviews. The interviewees pointed out that one of the key skills required of them by the professions in question is the successful management of emotions in contact with customers, since it is the customer that the employee must adapt to successfully fulfil the goals expected of them. For salespeople, it is important to express positive emotions, as this leads to a better mood of the customer and a better performance evaluation, while for the clerk, it is important to express those emotions that will lead him to successfully fulfil that work goal at that moment. Emotional work is a key element of service work and professions based on interpersonal contact.

Keywords:emotions, emotional labour, work environment, emotion management, emotion expression

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