
Vpliv zavarovanega prostora na rast in razvoj češnje (Prunus avium L.)
ID Vodopivec, Nikita (Author), ID Usenik, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pri pridelavi češnje (Prunus avium L.) prihaja do izgub pridelka zaradi pokanja in gnitja ter drugih deformacij plodov. Poleg dežja, visokih temperatur, toče in pozeb, veliko škodo v zadnjih letih povzročata tudi škodljivca plodova vinska mušica (Drosophila suzukii L.) in marmorirana smrdljivka (Halyomorpha halys S.). Škodo omejujemo s pridelavo v zavarovanih prostorih, ki jo omogočajo manj bujna, a produktivna drevesa. Vzpostavljanje zavarovanih prostorov dosegamo s prekrivanjem dreves z različnimi folijami in mrežami. Nameščamo jih čez posamezne vrste ali čez celoten sadovnjak. Drevesa lahko prekrijemo samo iz zgornje strani, v primeru visokih tunelov in omreževanja pa folija ali mreža sega od konstrukcije nad krošnjami do tal. V pridelavi češenj so najbolj razširjene protidežne folije, ki zmanjšujejo pojav pokanja in gnitja ter zvišujejo vsebnost sladkorja in organskih kislin v plodovih. Narašča uporaba visokih tunelov, ki poleg tega vplivajo na pospešeno vegetativno rast in hitrejše zorenje plodov. Z namenom preprečevanja škode zaradi škodljivcev in zmanjšanja uporabe fitofarmacevtskih sredstev pridobiva na pomenu omreževanje, ki zaradi spremenjene mikroklime včasih omogoči naselitev listnih uši in pršic. Stroški ureditve in vzdrževanja zavarovanih prostorov so visoki, zato zahtevajo premišljeno izkoriščen prostor in optimiziran sistem. Zavarovani prostori se z leti izpopolnjujejo in postajajo vse bolj nepogrešljiv del pridelave češenj.

Keywords:češnje, pokanje, deformacije, prekrivanje dreves, visoki tuneli, omreževanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141064 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:126006275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Growth and development of sweet cherry trees (Prunus avium L.) under protective systems
Cherry production suffers from yield losses due to cracking, rotting and other deformities. In addition to rain, high temperatures, hail, and frost, pests spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii L.) and marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys S.) have caused significant damage in recent years. Damage can be limited by growing less vigorous and productive trees of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) in protected areas. Creating protected areas is accomplished by covering the trees with various films and nets. These are placed over individual rows or over the entire orchard. Trees can be covered from above, but in the case of high tunnels and netting, the film or net extends from the structure above the tree canopy to the ground. Anti-rain films are most commonly used. They reduce the incidence of cracking and rotting and increase the sugar and organic acid content of the fruit. The use of high tunnels is increasing. Growing in high tunnels results in accelerated vegetative growth and quicker ripening. To prevent pest infestation and reduce the use of pesticides, netting is gaining importance. Sometimes it allows the settlement of aphids and mites due to the change in microclimate. The cost of establishing and maintaining protected areas is high and requires a well-designed use of space and optimized system. Protected areas have been improved over the years and are becoming an increasingly important part of cherry production.

Keywords:sweet cherries, cracking, deformations, covering trees, high tunnels, netting

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