
Zakoličba enostavnega objekta : diplomska naloga št.: 218/GIG
ID Gelebeshova, Marta (Author), ID Kogoj, Dušan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Marjetič, Aleš (Comentor)

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Zakoličevanje je ena izmed najpomembnejših nalog geodeta in je ključnega pomena v procesu gradnje, saj prenos projektirane geometrije konstrukcije zagotavlja vertikalnost in pravilno lego na terenu. Poslanstvo geodeta pri tem prenosu projektirane geometrije objekta v naravo vključuje pravne in tehnične vidike ter pravilno načrtovanje. Postopek zakoličbe mora upoštevati zahteve v povezavi s pogoji lokacije ter prednosti in omejitve uporabljenega geodetskega instrumentarija in merske metode in s tem povezano zahtevano in dosegljivo natančnost. Vključevati mora tudi zasnovo geodetske izmeritvene mreže, ki bo v postopku zakoličbe zagotavljala primerno geodetsko koordinatno osnovo. Glede na široko uporabo geodezije in topografije na različnih področjih in panogah diplomska naloga vključuje splošne pojme in tehnične vidike v povezavi s potekom zakoličbe na samem gradbišču, omenjene pa so tudi smernice za učinkovito doseganje izvedljivosti in katastrski postopki. Namen naloge je poudariti pomen natančnih in učinkovitih projektov postavitve gradnje s celovitimi načrti, metodami in izbiro instrumentov ter priporočili. Predstavljeni zaključki so zanimivi, tako za geodetsko javnost kot tudi za gradbeno industrijo. Zaradi pragmatične narave teme naloga vključuje tehnične opombe in izvirne rezultate strokovnega in akademskega pomena.

Keywords:geodezija, diplomske naloge, GIG, zakoličba objekta, praktični primer, vloga geodeta pri gradnji objekta, geodezija, natančnost, polarna metoda
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Gelebeshova]
Number of pages:VIII, 37 str., [3] pril., [2] str. zganj. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140993-ce14a94d-1c4c-185c-764d-d5148a90c531 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:126971651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Simple project stakeout : Graduation thesis no.: 218/GIG
Stake-out is one of the most important tasks of a surveyor and is of key importance in the construction process, as the transfer of designed geometries of the construction ensures verticality and the correct position within the terrain. The surveyor's mission during this transfer of designed geometries on the field includes legal and technical aspects as well as proper planning. The stake-out process must consider aspects related to the site conditions, the instruments' strength and limitations, methods and the required and achievable accuracy that comes along with them. The design of the geodetic grid, which ensures a stable geodetic coordinate ground, must also be included. Given the wide use of geodesy and topography in various fields and industries, the thesis includes general concepts and technical aspects related to the course of staking on the construction site itself, and guidelines for the effective achievement of feasibility and cadastral procedures are also mentioned. The purpose of my topic is to reinforce the importance of accurate and efficient construction stakeout projects with comprehensive plans, methods and instrument selection and recommendations. The conclusions presented are of interest to the surveyors as well as to the construction industry. Due to the pragmatic nature of the topic, they include technical notes and original results of professional and academic importance.

Keywords:geodesy, graduation thesis, stake-out, an example of stake-out, the role of surveyor while building, geodesy, accuracy, polar method

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