
Kirka v slikarstvu Johna Williama Waterhousa: Analiza del z orisom upodobitev Kirke skozi stoletja
ID Frangež, Urška (Author), ID Germ, Martin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaključna seminarska naloga se ukvarja z mitom o čarovnici Kirki. Prvi del naloge je namenjen pregledu razvoja upodobitev, okrepljen z družbenimi okoliščinami in literarnimi viri, ki upodobitve umeščajo v kontekst. Razvoj upodobitev se je začel v antiki, sledile so srednjeveške upodobitve, ki jih je bilo občutno manj, zadnji daljši pregled pa zadeva renesančne upodobitve iz prehoda iz srednjega v novi vek. Videli bomo, da je bila Kirka upodobljena na najrazličnejših medijih, spreminjali pa so se motivni poudarki. Drugi del naloge se posveča trem upodobitvam Kirke, ki jih je naredil angleški slikar J. W. Waterhouse, njihovo analizo pa spremlja razlaga množičnega pojava fatalne ženske v viktorijanski družbi.

Keywords:Kirka, Odisej, čarovnica, femme fatale, mitologija, grška mitologija, literatura
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140992 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122525699 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Circe in the Painting of John William Waterhouse: Analysis of the Works with a Short Overview of Depictions of Circe through Centuries
The final seminar paper focuses on the myth of the witch Circe. The first part of the paper is focusing on the overview of depictions, alongside with social circumstances and literary sources, which contextualize these depictions. The development of depictions started in antiquity, followed by (substantially fewer) medieval depictions and the last longer overview concerns renaissance depictions of the period of the transition from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period. Circe was depicted in various media with some changes concerning motif emphases. The second part focuses on three depictions of Circe made by the English painter J. W. Waterhouse and their analysis accompanied by an explanation of the phenomenon of femme fatale in the Victorian society.

Keywords:Circe, Ulysses, witch, femme fatale, mythology, Greek mythology, literature

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