
Vzgoja za zdravje otrok in mladostnikov : diplomsko delo
ID Dragičevič, Ana (Author), ID Bizjak, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kamenšek, Tina (Comentor), ID Vettorazzi, Renata (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Promocija zdravja je proces, ki posameznikom in skupinam omogoča, da povečajo nadzor nad lastnim zdravjem. Pomemben in nepogrešljiv del promocije zdravja je tudi vzgoja za zdravje. V Sloveniji je medicinska sestra, ki je izvajalka vzgoje za zdravje, zaposlena na primarnem nivoju zdravstvenega varstva. Sodeluje s šolami na način, da poleg vstopanja v razrede tudi v zdravstvenih ustanovah nagovarja otroke in mladostnike z zdravstveno-vzgojnimi vsebinami k skrbi za zdrav način življenja. Namen: S pregledom in analizo strokovne in znanstvene literature smo želeli opisati pomen vzgoje za zdravje otrok in mladostnikov, kakšne so razlike v izvajanju procesa v Sloveniji in v tujini, želeli smo opredeliti vlogo šolske medicinske sestre in predstaviti smisel implementacije medicinske sestre v sistem šolstva v Sloveniji. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela. Članke smo iskali v različnih podatkovnih bazah. Pri iskanju člankov so nam bile v pomoč naslednje ključne besede: promocija zdravja/ health promotion, šolska medicinska sestra/school nurse, preventiva/prevention. Za kombiniranje ključnih besed so bili uporabljeni tudi Boolovi operaterji IN/AND, ALI/OR in NE/NOT. Proces selekcije člankov smo predstavili s pomočjo diagrama PRISMA. Rezultati: Pri pregledu in analizi dobljene literature smo ugotovili, da je tveganih vedenj otrok in mladostnikov veliko, vzgoja za zdravje pa prispeva velik delež pri opolnomočenju mladih za zdrav način življenja. V tujini je v vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanovah prisotna šolska medicinska sestra, ki pomembno prispeva ne samo k izobraževanju za zdrav način življenja, temveč sodeluje tudi pri nudenju prve pomoči, izvaja medicinsko-tehnične intervencije in skrbi za terapijo, ki jo otroci in mladostniki redno prejemajo. Razprava in zaključek: Medicinska sestra se kot izvajalka vzgoje za zdravje otrok in mladostnikov vključuje v proces pridobivanja znanja o zdravju, saj s svojim strokovnim znanjem ozavešča otroke in mladostnike o škodljivih vedenjih ter jih nagovarja k skrbi za zdrav način življenja. V tujini je praksa vzgoje za zdravje drugačna, izobraževalne ustanove imajo zaposleno šolsko medicinsko sestro, le-ta pa poleg izobraževanja izvaja tudi medicinsko-negovalne postopke. V Sloveniji bi bilo smiselno spremeniti sistem do te mere, da bi medicinska sestra postala del šolskega sistema ter bi s tem pripomogla k izboljšanju zdravstvenega stanja otrok in mladostnikov.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, promocija zdravja, šolske medicinske sestre, preventiva
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Dragičevič]
Number of pages:27 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140985 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122487811 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Health education for children : diploma work
Introduction: Health promotion is a process that enables individuals and groups to increase control over their own health. Health education is also an important and indispensable part of health promotion. In Slovenia a nurse, a health education practitioner, is employed in healthcare facilities. Nurses cooperate with schools in such a way that, in addition to entering classes, they also encourage children and young people in medical institutions with health education content to strive for a healthy lifestyle. Purpose: Through examination and analysis of peer reviewed and scientific literature we wished to describe the meaning of child and adolescent healthcare education, what differences there are in the execution of the process in Slovenia and abroad, we sought to define the role of the school nurse and furthermore to present a reason to implement nurses in the Slovenian educational system. Methods: we used a descriptive method of work, diverse data bases were used to search for the articles. While searching for articles the following key words were used: health promotion/promocija zdravja, school nurse/šolska medicinska sestra, prevention/preventiva. Boolean operators IN/AND, OR/OR and NOT/NOT were also used to combine keywords. We presented the article selection process using the PRISMA diagram. Results: With examination and analysis of the obtained literature we determined that there are many risk behaviours of children and adolescents, and health education contributes a great deal to empower young people towards a healthy lifestyle. Abroad, a school nurse is present in schools, who does not only contribute significantly to education for a healthy lifestyle, but also participates in providing first aid, performs medical-technical interventions and provides medicines for students in need. Discussion and conclusion: as a nurse practitioner for child and adolescent health education, the nurse is involved in the process of acquiring health education, as she educates children and adolescents about harmful behaviours and encourages them to care for a healthy lifestyle. Abroad, the practice of health education is different, educational institutions have a school nurse employed, which, in addition to education, carries out medical care procedures. In Slovenia, it would make sense to change the system to the extent that the nurse becomes a part of the school system and thus helps to improve the health status of children and adolescents.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, health promotion, school nurses, prevention

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