
Predlog razvoja enačbe za določitev sintetičnega hidrograma enote na podlagi podatkov z območja Slovenije : diplomska naloga št.: 121/B-VOI
ID Mavri, Deja (Author), ID Bezak, Nejc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šraj, Mojca (Comentor)

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V hidrološki praksi se pogosto uporabljajo hidrološki modeli, ki simulirajo površinski odtok in se lahko uporabijo tudi za napovedovanje poplav. Kadar imamo na voljo merjene podatke o padavinah in pretokih, lahko za izdelavo hidrološkega modela uporabimo eno izmed teorij, ki se uporablja za modeliranje, t.j. teorijo hidrograma enote. V praksi pa se pogosto zgodi, da nimamo na voljo vseh podatkov za izdelavo hidrološkega modela in njegovo umerjanje. V tem primeru lahko na podlagi lastnosti porečij oblikujemo sintetični hidrogram enote, ki ga nato uporabimo v postopku hidrološkega modeliranja. V diplomski nalogi smo izbrali dvajset večjih porečij v Sloveniji z znanimi lastnostmi (npr. raba tal, naklon). Za vsako porečje smo zbrali pet največjih dogodkov v obdobju 2000-2020 in posledično na podlagi merjenih padavin in pretokov za vsako porečje določili povprečen čas zakasnitve. Poleg osnovnih lastnosti izbranih porečij, smo jih nekaj, kot je dolžina vodotoka, dolžina vodotoka od profila, ki je najbližji težišču porečja, do iztočnega profila in padec vodotoka, tudi naknadno določili s programom SAGA-GIS. Na podlagi lastnosti porečij smo za posamezno porečje izračunali čas zakasnitve po obstoječih metodah, kot je Snyderjeva metoda, metoda Denver, metoda Tulsa District idr. Omenjene enačbe so bile razvite za območje Združenih držav Amerike, kjer je odziv porečij na padavine lahko drugačen kot v Sloveniji. Posledično je možno sklepati, da bi enačba, razvita na podlagi lastnosti porečij pri nas, podala boljše rezultate hidroloških modelov z vidika ujemanja merjenih in simuliranih pretokov. S tem namenom smo s programskim orodjem R s preizkušanjem več deset različnih primerov enačb, poskušali razviti novo enačbo. Izbrano enačbo, ki je podala najustreznejše rezultate, smo preverili s hidrološkim modelom HEC-HMS, kjer smo uporabili merjene podatke testnega porečja vodotoka Medije. Rezultati so potrdili našo hipotezo, da je enačba razvita na podlagi lastnosti porečij v Sloveniji, ustreznejša.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomske naloge, UNI, VOI, B-VOI, čas zakasnitve, hidrogram enote, padavine, pretoki, porečja, hidrološko modeliranje, HEC-HMS, SAGA-GIS, razvoj enačbe, programsko orodje R
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Mavri]
Number of pages:VIII,35 str., [8] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140895-c6d13102-bcbe-35c9-ce4e-dc61887dd442 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:131382019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Proposal for the development of an equation for the synthetic unit hydrograph based on data from Slovenia : graduation thesis no.: 121/B-VOI
Environmental engineering often uses hydrologic rainfall-runoff models that simulate surface runoff and can be used for flood prediction. One of the methods to set-up hydrologic models is the unit hydrograph theory, which can be used if adequate data about precipitation and discharges is lacking. In practice, sufficient precipitation and discharge data is often not available. In this case, we can obtain results by creating synthetic unit hydrograph, which is based on the characteristics of drainage basins. For the purposes of this graduation thesis we chose twenty larger Slovenian catchments with known characteristics (e.g., land use, slope) and for each catchment five biggest flood events were selected. Based on the characteristics of the catchments we calculated lag time using existing methods such as Synder’s method, Denver method, Tulsa District method, etc. The mentioned equations were developed at the area of the United States of America where the characteristics of the catchments differ from the characteristics of the ones in Slovenia. Consequently, we can conclude that the equation developed based for the catchments in Slovenia could provide more accurate results. With this in mind, we attempted to develop a new equation by testing seventy different cases using R programming language. The selected equation, which gave the most adequate result was further verified with the HEC-HMS hydrological model where we processed data of the additional catchment (i.e. Medija River catchment). The results confirmed our hypothesis, which stated that the equation developed based on the characteristics of the catchments in Slovenia would yield better modelling results.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, lag time, unit hydrograph, precipitation, discharge, drainage basin, hydrological modelling, HEC-HMS, SAGA-GIS, equation development, R software

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