
Koncept in možnosti uveljavitve načel krožnega gospodarstva v kmetijstvu
ID Kocbek, Manja (Author), ID Erjavec, Emil (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Krožno gospodarstvo je koncept delovanja gospodarstva, ki lahko nadomesti obstoječi potratni in okolju škodljiv linearni sistem. Krožno gospodarstvo strmi k boljšemu izkoristku virov. Posledično se s tem poveča ekonomska vrednost proizvodnje ter zmanjša negativen vpliv na okolje. Glavni namen dela je raziskati koncept krožnega gospodarstva in možnosti za vpeljavo v kmetijstvo. Zato smo preučili in predstavili teorijo, prakso in politiko o krožnem gospodarstvu v kmetijstvu. Ugotovili smo, da poenotena definicija krožnega gospodarstva ne obstaja in da načela in strategije delovanja niso splošno sprejete. Najbolj splošno uveljavljena načela so proizvodnja brez odpadkov, ohranjanje snovi in izdelkov v uporabi ter obnavljanje naravnih sistemov. Vpeljava krožnega gospodarstva se v kmetijstvu kaže v povečani uporabi obnovljivih virov energije, uporabi organskih gnojil, pametnem načrtovanju proizvodnje s poudarkom na stranskih in pol izdelkih in uporabo odpadkov kmetijske proizvodnje. Za učinkovito vpeljavo je ključnega pomena spodbudno zakonsko okolje. Leta 2023 vstopamo v novo programsko obdobje skupne kmetijske politike, zato smo raziskali, kako krožno gospodarstvo omenjajo temeljni dokumenti kmetijske politike v Evropski uniji in Sloveniji. Ugotovili smo, da je krožno gospodarstvo prepoznano kot nova oblika organizacije gospodarstva, ki spodbuja trajnostni razvoj. Politika priznava njegove pozitivne ekonomske, socialne in okoljevarstvene učinke, vendar pa so ukrepi za njegovo vpeljavo redki in vsebinsko šibki.

Keywords:Krožno gospodarstvo, kmetijstvo, kroženje virov, nove tehnologije pridelave, skupna kmetijska politika
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140870 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:125857795 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The concept and possibilities of applying the principles of the circular economy in agriculture
The circular economy is a new concept how economy should work. It can replace the current wasteful and environmentally harmful linear system. The circular economy aims at better utilization of resources, as a result of which the economic value of production increases and the negative impact on the environment is reduced. The main purpose of the work is to investigate the concept of circular economy and the possibilities for its introduction into agriculture. In this paper, we researched the theory, practice and policy of the circular economy in agriculture. We found that a unified definition of the circular economy does not exist and that the principles and strategies of circularity are not generally accepted. The most widely established principles are waste-free production, conservation of substances and products in use, and restoration of natural systems. The introduction of a circular economy in agriculture is manifested in the increased use of renewable energy sources, the use of organic fertilizers, smart production planning with an emphasis on by-products and semi-products and the use of agricultural production waste. A stimulating legal environment is crucial for effective implementation. In 2023, we are entering a new program period of the common agricultural policy, so we investigated how the circular economy is mentioned in the basic documents. We found that the circular economy is recognized as a new form of economic organization that promotes sustainable development. The policy recognizes its positive economic, social and environmental effects, but the measures for its introduction are rare and weak in content.

Keywords:Circular economy, agriculture, circulation of resources, new production technologies, common agricultural policy

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