
Protetična oskrba na keramičnih vsadkih : diplomsko delo
ID Bojić, Novka (Author), ID Oblak, Čedomir (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bohinc, Peter (Comentor), ID Lampe, Tomaž (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Implantantna oskrba je uveljavljen način nadomeščanja manjkajočih zob. Cirkonijeva oksidna keramika je material, ki se lahko uporabi za izdelavo vsadkov, opornikov in protetičnih konstrukcij. Oporniki in protetične konstrukcije se izdelajo s sodobnimi računalniškimi postopki. Oblikovane konstrukcije se rezkajo iz keramičnih blokov v zeleni fazi, nato sintrajo in površinsko glazirajo. Namen: V diplomskem delu bodo strokovno opisani in predstavljeni enodelni in dvodelni keramični vsadki, primerjava med titanskimi in keramičnimi vsadki, keramični oporniki in protetične konstrukcije na keramičnih vsadkih. Opisani bodo laboratorijski postopki izdelave protetične konstrukcije na enodelnih keramičnih vsadkih, ki bodo podprti z lastnim slikovnim gradivom. Metode dela: Pri pisanju diplomskega dela bomo uporabili strokovno literaturo, strokovne članke in članke v znanstvenih revijah s področja laboratorijske zobne protetike in dentalne medicine. Pregledana literatura je bila iskana v strokovnih spletnih bazah: ScienceDirect, PubMed, MedLine, ResearchGate, Wiley Online Library, Quintessence Publish. Konstrukcija iz cirkonijeve oksidne keramike na keramičnih vsadkih bo izdelana v zobnem laboratoriju ob sodelovanju mentorja in zobotehnika za klinično uporabo pri pacientu. Rezultati: Za natančnejšo izdelavo končne protetične konstrukcije je bila najprej izdelana začasna konstrukcija iz polimetilmetaakrilata (PoliDent, Volčja Draga, Slovenija) in nato končna protetična konstrukcija iz cirkonijeve oksidne keramike DDcubeX2ML (DentalDirekt, Spenge, Nemčija). Obe konstrukciji sta bili izdelani v računalniškem programu 3Shape Dental Studio (3Shape, Kopenhagen, Danska) in rezkani v CAM-enoti digiMill5VHF S1 (Yeti Dental, Engen, Nemčija). Končna rezkana protetična konstrukcija iz cirkonijeve oksidne keramike je bila sintrana v peči Mihm-Vogt HT-S/SPEED (Mihm-Vogt, Blankenloch, Nemčija); po končanem sintranju je konstrukcija individualizirana s sistemom tekoče keramike MiYO Liquid Ceramic (Jensen, Metzingen, Nemčija). Razprava in zaključek: Z razvojem novih keramičnih materialov in novih dentalnih tehnologij se širi uporaba zobnih vsadkov v dentalni medicini. Nove tehnologije izdelave protetične oskrbe v zobni ordinaciji in zobotehničnem laboratoriju danes omogočajo vedno več uspešnih rešitev pri nadomeščanju manjkajočih zob. Pacientom omogočajo brezkovinsko estetsko in funkcionalno oskrbo, ki se danes lahko izvede s popolnoma digitalno vodenim kliničnim načrtovanjem in računalniško vodeno laboratorijsko izdelavo.

Keywords:diplomska dela, laboratorijska zobna protetika, keramični vsadki, protetična konstrukcija, cirkonijeve oksidna keramika, računalniško načrtovanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Bojić]
Number of pages:42 str., [3] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140811 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122125827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Prosthodontic rehabilitation on ceramic implants : diploma work
Introduction: Implant rehabilitation is an established method of replacing missing teeth. Zirconium oxide ceramics is a material that can be used to make implants, abutments and prosthetic construction. Abutments and prosthetic structures are manufactured using modern computerised procedures. Designed constructions are milled from ceramic blocks in the green phase, then sintered and surface glazed. Aim: The thesis describes and presents one-piece and two-piece ceramic implants, a comparison between titanium and ceramic implants, ceramic abutments, and prosthetic constructions on ceramic implants. The laboratory procedures to produce a prosthetic construction on one-piece ceramic implants will be described and will be supported by our own pictorial material. Methods: The thesis uses professional literature, professional articles, and articles in scientific journals in the field of laboratory dental prosthetics and dental medicine. The reviewed literature is located in professional online databases: ScienceDirect, PubMed, MedLine, ResearchGate, Wiley Online Library, Quintessence Publish. The construction of zirconium oxide ceramics on ceramic implants is produced in the dental laboratory with the cooperation of a mentor and a dental technician for clinical use on the patient. Results: For a more accurate fabrication of the final prosthetic structure, a temporary structure was first made of polymethyl methacrylate (PoliDent, Volčja Draga, Slovenia), and then a final prosthetic structure of zirconium oxide ceramic DDcubeX2ML (DentalDirekt, Spenge, Germany). Both constructions were made in the computer program 3Shape Dental Studio (3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark) and milled in the CAM unit digiMill5VHF S1 (Yeti Dental, Engen, Germany). The final milled zirconium oxide ceramic prosthetic construction was sintered in a Mihm-Vogt HT-S/SPEED furnace (Mihm-Vogt, Blankenloch, Germany); after sintering, the structure is individualized with the MiYO Liquid Ceramic system (Jensen, Metzingen, Germany). Discussion and Conclusion: With the development of new ceramic materials and new dental technologies, indications for the use of dental implants in dental medicine are expanding. Today, new technologies, to produce prosthetic care in the dental office and dental laboratory, enable more and more successful solutions for replacing missing teeth. They provide patients with metal-free aesthetic and functional care, which today can be performed with fully digitally guided clinical planning and computer-guided laboratory fabrication.

Keywords:diploma theses, laboratory dental prosthetics, ceramic implants, prosthetic construction, zirconium oxide ceramic, computerized design

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