
Replika sodobne slovenske dramatike na begunstvo kot družbenopolitično problematiko : magistrsko delo
ID Semič, Ana (Author), ID Pezdirc-Bartol, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se ukvarja s sodobnimi dramskimi teksti, ki na različne načine tematizirajo begunstvo, eno najstarejših značilnosti človeške civilizacije. Prvi del magistrske naloge se ukvarja z begunsko problematiko. Opredeljen je termin begunec, izpostavljena je razlika med beguncem in migrantom ter predstavljena vez med begunci in Evropo ter med begunci in Slovenijo. V drugem delu se posvečamo sodobni slovenski dramatiki in njeni družbenopolitični kritiki ter angažiranosti, tretji del pa prinaša analizo dvanajstih dramskih besedil osmih dramatikov − Marjana Tomšiča, Zdenka Kodriča, Franja Frančiča, Vinka Möderndorferja, Drage Potočnjak, Saše Pavček, Tjaše Mislej in Žige Divjaka. V nalogi nas zanima, kdo so begunci, od kod prihajajo, zakaj bežijo in s katerimi težavami se na svoji poti srečujejo. Dramatiki v besedilih s tragičnimi zgodbami in vzroki za beg ciljajo na bralčevo in gledalčevo sočutje, empatijo, njihov etični premislek ter poudarjajo humanitarno razsežnost begunske problematike, v številnih tekstih pa je obenem izražena tudi kritika proti ksenofobični, apatični in brezbrižni družbi, političnemu stanju in oblastem, medijem, ki s svojim (neustreznim) delovanjem razpihujejo nestrpnost ter ustvarjajo »krizo«. Analiza je pokazala, da so se v sodobni slovenski dramatiki pojavili trije odzivi na zgodovinsko daljnosežno problematiko begunstva: na balkansko situacijo, na begunsko situacijo po letu 2000 ter na vojne razmere na Srednjem vzhodu.

Keywords:slovenka književnost, begunstvo, begunska problematika na Slovenskem, sodobna slovenska dramatika, sodobni slovenski dramatiki, sodobne slovenske dramatičarke
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Semič]
Number of pages:81 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140809 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2022
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Title:A Reply of Contemporary Slovenian Drama on Refugeeism as a Socio-political Issue
The thesis introduces contemporary dramatic texts thematizing refugeeism, one of the oldest features of human civilization. The first part of the thesis deals with the refugee issue. The term refugee is defined, the difference between a refugee and a migrant is highlighted, and the connection between refugees and Europe and between refugees and Slovenia is presented. In the second part, the thesis focuses on contemporary Slovenian drama and its socio-political criticism and engagement, while the third part provides an analysis of twelve dramatic texts by eight playwrights − Marjan Tomšič, Zdenko Kodrič, Franjo Frančič, Vinko Möderndorfer, Drago Potočnjak, Saša Pavček, Tjaša Mislej and Žiga Divjak. The thesis poses questions about who refugees are, where they come from, why they flee and what problems they encounter on their way. In texts with tragic stories and reasons for fleeing, playwrights aim at the reader's and viewer's sympathy, empathy, their ethical consideration and emphasize the humanitarian dimension of the refugee problem, while many texts also express criticism of a xenophobic, apathetic and indifferent society, the political situation and the authorities, the media, which with their (inadequate) operation incite intolerance and create a »crisis«. The analysis showed that three responses to the historically far-reaching issue of refugees appeared in contemporary Slovenian drama: to the Balkan situation, to the refugee situation after 2000, and to the war situation in the Middle East.

Keywords:Slovene literature, refugeeism, refugee issues in Slovenia, contemporary Slovenian drama, contemporary Slovenian playwrights

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