
Vpliv tehnik sproščanja na delo specialnega in rehabilitacijskega pedagoga
ID Fridrih, Ines (Author), ID Jerman, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7370/ This link opens in a new window

Specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi (SRP) so pri svojem delu izpostavljeni različnim situacijam, ki lahko povzročijo stres in s tem oslabijo njihovo delovanje ter posledično učinkovitost pri delu in povečanje možnosti apatičnosti pri svojem delu. Tehnike sproščanja pozitivno vplivajo na obvladovanje stresa oziroma zmanjšanje le-tega ter na izločanje posameznih hormonov, ki so pomembni pri tvorbi spomina in usmerjanju pozornosti. Glavni namen magistrskega dela je bil s pomočjo teorije raziskati in ugotoviti, kakšni so učinki uporabe tehnik sproščanja (vključujoč čuječnosti) na pozornost, koncentracijo, spomin, motivacijo in pa predvsem produktivnost pri delu specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov ter kako se soočajo s stresom in kakšen vpliv imajo tehnike sproščanja nanje osebno ter na izpeljavo individualnih ur dodatne strokovne pomoči (DSP). Pri raziskovalnem delu smo uporabili kvalitativno multiplo študijo primera in deskriptivno metodo pedagoškega raziskovanja. V empiričnem delu smo na podlagi prebrane literature pripravili vprašanja za specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagoge in izvedli polstrukturiran intervju. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 7 specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagoginj, ki izvajajo dodatno strokovno pomoč v osnovni šoli in vrtcu, iz štirih različnih statističnih regij Slovenije, katerih odgovori so bili obdelani s kvalitativno analizo. Rezultati kažejo, da je pri večini intervjuvanih SRP stres na delovnem mestu prisoten ter da so vzroki stresa predvsem zunanji stresorji povezani z naravo delo oziroma delovnim okoljem. Pri rezultatih je izstopala samo ena SRP, saj pri njej stres ni bil prisoten. Rezultati kažejo, da uporaba tehnik sproščanja sicer ne vpliva na odsotnost stresa, ampak predvsem na konstruktivno spopadanje s stresom ter s posameznimi stresnimi situacijami. Ugotovili smo, da je za specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagoginje, ki izvajajo mobilno službo, delovno okolje nekoliko bolj obremenjujoče kot za ostale, saj so navajale dodatne stresorje povezane z naravo delo. Podatki kažejo, da ima uporaba tehnik sproščanja pozitiven vpliv na psihofizično zdravje. Sodelujoče so navajale zmanjšanje glavobolov in utrujenosti, povečano količino energije, boljšo pozornost in koncentracijo ter povečano motivacijo. Nismo ugotovili nobenih pomembnih povezav med delovno dobo in starostjo ter uporabo tehnik sproščanja in izpostavljenostjo stresu. Uporaba tehnik sproščanja vpliva tudi na vključitev nekaterih tehnik v ure dodatne strokovne pomoči. Rezultati kažejo, da zaradi natrpanega urnika nimajo možnosti izvedbe zahtevnejših tehnik sproščanja med delovnikom, vendar pa vseeno uporabljajo preproste in hitre, a vendar zelo učinkovite sprostitvene strategije, kot so preusmeritev misli in pogovor. Sicer gre za subjektivne navedbe in osebna opažanja, vendar so sodelujoče navajale, da stresa ne prenašajo na učence. Nadalje smo v povezavi s tem ugotovili, da se vpliv stresa pozna tudi pri kakovosti ur DSP, zato poskušajo s preprostimi vajami in tehnikami preusmeriti pozornost in zmanjšati vpliv stresa pri individualnih urah. Ugotovili smo, da čuječnost in posamezne tehnike čuječnosti v slovenskem prostoru vzgoje in izobraževanja še niso vpeljane oziroma jih SRP pri svojem delu ter v vsakdanu ne uporabljajo. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili pozitivne učinke uporabe tehnik sproščanja in vpliv le teh na delo SRP ter učence. Ugotovili smo, da intervjuvanke z različnimi alternativnimi metodami zmanjšujejo stres, vplivajo na stresorje ter izboljšujejo pozornost in koncentracijo.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140752 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:121692163 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of relaxation techniques on the work of the special and rehabilitation teacher
Special and rehabilitation pedagogues are exposed to various situations during workday that can cause stress. With that, working professionals’ effectiveness declines and they are more likely to experience apathy. Therefore, relaxation techniques have a positive impact on stress regulation and affect certain hormones that play a role in memory and attention. The aim of this paper was to explore, with the help of theoretical research, effects of relaxation techniques (including wakefulness) on attention, concentration, memory and motivation but mostly on work productivity of special and rehabilitation pedagogues. It also wishes to research how they tackle stress and how relaxation techniques affect their personal lives as well as their execution of individual consultations for additional support expertise. As for the methodology, a qualitative multiple case study approach and a descriptive method of pedagogical research were implemented. For the empirical part, questionnaires and half-structured interviews for special and rehabilitation pedagogues were used based on the literature studied. 7 female special and rehabilitation pedagogues from four different statistical regions of Slovenia participated in the study. Those participants practice additional support expertise in primary school and nursery. Their answers were analyzed qualitatively. According to the results, majority of the participants interviewed do experience stress at the workplace. The causes for it are mainly external stressors, tied to the nature of the work. Only one interviewee reported not feeling stressed. Further data show that practicing relaxation techniques does not necessarily mean completely diminishing stress, however, it does impact how one tackles stressful situations. We discovered, special and rehabilitation pedagogues, whose work entails constantly moving, generally feel more stressful compared to others because of such working conditions. Data show practicing relaxation techniques does have a positive impact on one’s psychophysical health. The participants reported on having less headaches, being less tired, having more energy, better attention and concentration as well as motivation. However, we did not discover any correlations between length of service and age with practice of relaxation techniques and stress exposure. The use of relaxation techniques can also be implemented in certain sessions of additional support expertise. Results show, many special and rehabilitation pedagogues do not have time to practice more demanding techniques for relaxation during their workday but nevertheless try to implement shorter sessions, such as reorienting of thoughts and conversation. Based on their subjective views and personal experience, the participants reported not transmitting stress on students. However, we discovered that the quality of additional support expertise sessions is impacted by their level of stress. For that reason, they use simple exercises and techniques to diminish it. We also learned that certain wakefulness techniques have whether not yet been implemented in Slovene education system or not practiced by professionals in their daily lives. With this research, we found positive effects relaxation techniques use and their impact on the work of special and rehabilitation pedagogues and their students. We discovered that using different relaxation exercises impacts participants’ tackling with stress as well as enhances their attention and concentration.


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