
Modularni pohištveni element
ID Furlanič, Urh (Author), ID Miklavc, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na zasnovo in oblikovanje modularnega pohištvenega elementa, ki je snovan na principu »ena rešitev za vse«. Moduli so zasnovani preprosto, vendar premišljeno, proces nastajanja pa je predstavljen skozi različne faze oblikovanja in analize. Najprej se spoznamo s tipologijo pohištva, nato je predstavljen vprašalnik ter analitični del, ki obsega analizo zgodovine slovenskega oblikovanja, analizo trga in analizo tehnologij ter materialov. Rezultati analiz so osnova za načrtovalski del diplomske naloge, v katerem je predstavljen oblikovalski proces od zamisli do predstavitve končne rešitve. Na koncu si sledijo še osebni pomislek ter priloge z načrti in drugo dokumentacijo.

Keywords:Industrijsko oblikovanje Modularno Pohištvo Diplomska naloga Trajnostni razvoj Reciklaža Ponovna uporaba Pretvorba v novo namembnost Okolju prijazno Diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140700 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Modular furniture element
This thesis focuses on the design of a modular furniture element, which is based on the principle of "one solution for all". The modules are designed simply but thoughtfully, and the process of creation is presented through various stages of design and analysis. We first get acquainted with the typology of furniture, then a questionnaire and an analytical part are presented, which include an analysis of the history of Slovenian design, market analysis and analysis of production and materials. The results of which are the basis for the planning part of the diploma thesis, in which the design process from the idea to the presentation of the final solution is presented. Finally, personal concerns and appendices with plans and other documentation follow.

Keywords:Industrial design Modular Furniture BA Thesis Sustainability Recycle Reuse Upcycle Nature friendly BA thesis

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