
Dinamična redukcija forme v geometrijskem prostoru
ID Andlovic, Ela (Author), ID Čerče, Ksenija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Muhovič, Jožef (Comentor)

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V začetku 20. stoletja so slikarji obrnili hrbet reprezentativnemu upodabljanju sveta. Začeli so iskati poti izven načina umetnostnega oblikovanja, ki skuša zvesto in neposredno posneti pojavni svet v značilnih oblikah in formah. Abstraktno slikarstvo se je razvijalo in nastajalo v raznih zgodovinskih obdobjih, vendar nikoli do takih ekstremnih stopenj, kot so jih posredovali nekateri umetniki modernizma. Abstrahiranje organskih oblik v čiste oblike so preusmerile predmetni svet v duhovno umetnost (izguba simbolnega pomena). Želeli so spojiti tako pozitivno kot negativno oz. tako prisotnost kot odsotnost podob. Zato so nekatere slike bolj elementarne, druge pa kompleksne (predstavljajo kompleksnejše odnose med oblikami in barvami). Meja med enostavnimi in kompleksnimi oblikami in hkrati njihovo prepoznavnostjo (ohranjanje pomena) pa je lahko zelo tenka. Iskanje ravnovesja med realizmom in abstrakcijo ustvari nove poti ustvarjanja.

Keywords:Slikarstvo Painting Realizem Realism Abstraktno slikarstvo Abstract painting Geometrijska abstrakcija Geometrical abstraction Redukcija Reduction Abstrahiranje Abstraction Dinamika Dynamics Negativni in pozitivni prostor Negative and positive space Figura in ozadje Figure-ground relation D
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140699 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2022
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Title:Dynamic reduction of form in geometric space
In the early 20th century, the most advanced painters turned their backs on representative depictions of the world and began to look for ways outside the mode of art design which seeks to faithfully and directly capture the phenomenal world in distinctive shapes and forms. Abstract art has arisen and evolved in various historical periods, but never to such extreme levels as those conveyed by some modernist artists. The abstraction of organic forms into pure forms has transformed the object world into spiritual art (as a symbolic object without meaning). These artists sought to combine the positive and the negative - both present and absent; therefore, some images are more elementary and others are more intricate (representing more complex relationships between shapes and colors). However, the line between simple and complex and recognition can be very thin. Finding a balance between realism and abstraction creates new avenues of creation.

Keywords:Painting Realism Abstract painting Geometrical abstraction Reduction Abstraction Dynamics Negative and positive space Figure-ground relation BA thesis

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