
Inscenacija sence
ID Štrukelj, Anka (Author), ID Čerče, Ksenija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Berlot Pompe, Uršula (Comentor)

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Osrednja tema diplomskega dela je razmišljanje, opazovanje in inscenacija sence kot samostojnega elementa v risbi ter njenega vpliva na končno podobo umetniškega dela. Posebno pozornost sem posvetila tradicionalnim medijem, grafitu in papirju. Fascinacija nad sencami me, lahko rečem, spremlja že celo življenje. Ta dvodimenzionalni fizikalni pojav, ponekod tako nežen, da je komaj opazen, po drugi strani pa oster kot nož, glede na količino svetlobe in okolico, ki ga definirajo, tako odlično odslikava svet, ki nas obdaja. Nedvomno so premikajoče se veličastne sence, ki jih je ustvarila svetloba ognja na stenah in stropih prazgodovinskih jam, tedanjim prebivalcem ustvarjale radovednost, jih morebiti navdajale s strahom in spoštovanjem. Dvodimenzionalno plapolajoče podobe so se ob soju ognja plazile po skalah kot fantomi neke druge realnosti. Fascinacijo praljudi na ta pojav si lahko le predstavljamo v naši domišljiji. Mojo domišljijo in domišljijo ustvarjalcev, predvsem filmskih, so uspešno uporabili za ustvarjanje napetosti, strahu, lepote, dvoumnosti ipd. Oris sence je bil v stari Grčiji po nekaterih virih celo povod za rojstvo zahodnega slikarstva. Pri svojem delu sem raziskovala dvodimenzionalnost sence in kako ta lahko vpliva na našo zaznavo in predstavo o tridimenzionalnosti prostora in objektov.

Keywords:Slikarstvo, senca, svetloba, kompozicija, inscenacija, risba, grafit, gravitacija, sublimacija, diplomsko delo.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140698 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Inscenation of Shadows
The central theme of the diploma thesis is a reflection on, observation and inscenation of shadow as an independent element in a drawing and its effect on the final image of an artwork. I paid special attention to traditional media of graphite and paper. I have been fascinated by shadows my whole life. This two-dimensional physical phenomenon – sometimes so delicate as to barely be noticeable, while other times as sharp as a knife, depending on the amount of light and the surroundings that define it – so remarkably reflects the world that surrounds us. The moving majestic shadows created by firelight on the walls and ceilings of prehistoric caves undoubtedly elicited curiosity in cave dwellers at that time, perhaps evoking feelings of fear and respect. Two-dimensional fluttering figures crept across rocks in the firelight like phantoms from some other reality. We can only imagine the fascination of prehistoric humans with this phenomenon. My imagination at least and the imagination of creators, especially moviemakers, were successfully used to create tension, fear, beauty, ambiguity, etc. According to some sources, the outline of a shadow gave rise to the genesis of western painting in ancient Greece. In my work, I researched the two-dimensionality of the shadow and how it can affect our perception and visualisation of the three-dimensionality of space and objects.

Keywords:Painting, shadow, light, composition, inscenation, drawing, graphit, gravitation, sublimation, BA thesis.

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