
Trgovina na Reki od 16. do 18. stoletja : diplomsko delo
ID Česnik, Nika (Author), ID Zwitter, Žiga (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Petrić, Hrvoje (Comentor)

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Reka kljub strateški legi na najširšem prehodu od severnega Jadranskega morja proti srednjeevropski notranjosti ni mogla povsem izkoristiti svojega potenciala zaradi premoči Benetk in habsburškega favoriziranja Trsta. Tudi združitev zaledja pod žezlom Habsburžanov ni imela posebnega učinka, saj so v 16. stoletju širšo regijo ogrožali vpadi iz Osmanskega imperija, širjenje te države pa je vplivalo tudi na preusmeritev bolj oddaljenih trgovskih tokov. Zaradi osmanske nevarnosti je bila osnovana Vojna krajina, ki je hkrati predstavljala strošek in novo tržišče, zlasti za hrano in sukno. Poleg tega pa je vladar v upanju na večji dobiček zvišal prometne pristojbine, zaradi česar je prišlo do upada trgovine in premika na druge poti, zlasti po ozemlju Zrinskih in Frankopanov do Bakra. Najpomembnejša trgovina na Reki na pragu zgodnjega novega veka je bila brez dvoma prehodna trgovina na srednje razdalje. Ključna artikla te trgovine sta bila sol, ki so jo tovorili v notranjost, v Posavje in del Podravja, in žito, ki so ga posredovali kraji iz zaledja. Drugi pomembni artikli v 16. stoletju so bili še živina in kože, vino, olje, ribe, les, železo in železni izdelki, platno in druge tkanine, med in vosek, južno sadje ter špecerijska roba. V tej trgovini so aktivno sodelovali tako meščani kot tudi kmetje v okviru integrirane kmečke ekonomije. Trgovina na Reki je višek dosegla v 15. stoletju, v 16. stoletju pa z izjemo nekaj dobrih let, npr. leta 1523 in 1527, bolj kot ne spremljamo upadanje prometa. Trgovina je v 18. stoletju dobila nov zagon z ukinitvijo notranjih carin, razglasitvijo svobodne plovbe po Jadranskem morju v močno spremenjeni zunanjepolitični situaciji v širši regiji leta 1717 in razglasitvijo Reke za svobodno pristanišče leta 1719. V 18. stoletju so bistveno izboljšali prometno infrastrukturo, osnovali manufakturne obrate kot je bila reška rafinerija sladkorja, bistveno pa so porasli tudi tokovi trgovine na dolge razdalje.

Keywords:Reka, zgodnji novi vek, ceste, gospodarska zgodovina, trgovina, 16.-18. stoletje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Česnik]
Number of pages:54 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140674 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:133492483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Commerce in Rijeka/Fiume/Sankt Veit am Flaum from the 16th to the 18th Century
Despite the strategic position of Rijeka near the widest passage from the northern Adriatic Sea towards Central Europe’s hinterland, the coastal town failed to realise its full potential. The biggest obstacles were the Venetian trade monopoly and the Habsburgs giving preference to Trieste. The political unification of the Habsburg’s territory and the areas between the Gulf of Trieste and the Gulf of Kvarner came about too late to have a major effect on the trade since the 16th century was marked by incursions from the Ottoman Empire. The country’s expansion also affected the redirection of distant trade routes. To defend the territory, the Military Frontier was established. It was both a burden and an asset because the soldiers stationed there needed food and cloth that were partly supplied from Fiume. The ruler also hoped for a more substantial profit from the route to Trieste, thus tolls were increased, but this had the opposite effect since much of the trade moved elsewhere, especially to the land owned by the Zrinski and Frankopan families – to the port of Bakar. The most important kind of commerce in Rijeka at the beginning of the Early Modern Period was the middle-distance trade. The key products were the salt that they sold in the hinterland (the Sava and Drava River catchments) and the wheat that was sold on the coast. They also traded in livestock and skins, wine, oil, fish, wood, iron and iron products, linen and other fabrics, honey and wax, citrus fruits, and groceries. Involved in the trade were both town dwellers and farmers – this kind of trade belonged to the integrated farm economy. Trade in Rijeka reached its peak in the 15th century; but other than a few momentary peaks in the 16th century, such as in 1523 and 1527, the trade was declining. It was revived under throughly different broader foreign-policy circumstances of the 18th century when internal tariffs were cancelled, Charles VI. declared free navigation in the Adriatic Sea in 1717 and Fiume was declared a free port in 1719. It was then that traffic infrastructure was thoroughly improved and various manufactures such as the sugar refinery were founded, and long-distance traffic flows faced a significant increase.

Keywords:Rijeka, Fiume, Early Modern Period, roads, economic history, trade, 16th-18th century

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