
Potrošnikovo znanje in ravnanje v domači kuhinji ter higiensko stanje kuhinjskih površin in opreme : magistrsko delo
ID Kisilak, Špela (Author), ID Jevšnik, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Godič Torkar, Karmen (Comentor), ID Ovca, Andrej (Reviewer)

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MD5: A8376476D0A8F1C930C9833E84C72F72

Uvod: Onesnaženje živil s patogenimi mikroorganizmi se lahko pojavi v vseh fazah agroživilske verige, vključno s pripravo živil v domačih kuhinjah. Potrošniki kot zadnji člen v verigi imamo pomembno vlogo in veliko odgovornost pri zagotavljanju varnosti in higiene živil. Namen: Ugotoviti znanje v izbranih populacijskih skupinah potrošnikov (starostna skupina od 35 do 65 let in nosečnice) o varnosti živil, njihovo ravnanje z izbranimi živili, odnos do zagotavljanja varnih živil in njihovo prakso pri pripravi živil v domači kuhinji. Poleg tega je bil namen ugotoviti čistočo in mikrobiološko ustreznost površin in pripomočkov v kuhinjah izbranih potrošnikov. Metode dela: Uporabili smo kombinirani metodološki pristop. S pomočjo opazovalne liste smo analizirali ustrezno vedenje pri pripravi izbranih živil v domačih kuhinjah potrošnikov. Elemente zagotavljanja higiene živil, ki jih nismo mogli videti skozi proces opazovanja, smo ugotavljali skozi kvalitativno vsebinsko analizo strukturiranih intervjujev. Hranjenje živil na ustrezni temperaturi smo ugotavljali z merjenjem temperature v hladilnikih potrošnikov. Higiensko ustreznost delovnih površin in pripomočkov v kuhinjah smo ugotavljali z odvzemom brisov za mikrobiološke preiskave, ustreznost čiščenja pa z merjenjem ATP-bioluminiscence. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da nosečnice varneje ravnajo z živili kot potrošniki srednje starostne skupine. Potrošniki imajo zelo različen pogled glede najpomembnejših dejavnikov pri pripravi živil in zaznave tveganja. Temperature v hladilnikih so se gibale od 4,8 do 12,8 °C in so bile v vseh primerih višje od priporočene vrednosti 4 °C. Po rezultatih ATP-bioluminiscence je bilo od 80 testiranih površin v kuhinjah potrošnikov ustrezno čistih 41,25 % površin. Skupno število mikroorganizmov je bilo preseženo v 45 % vzorcev. Enterobacteriaceae smo našli na 28,8 % vzorčenih površinah, E. coli pa na 2,5 %. Glede na kriterije vrednosti ATP-bioluminiscence in skupnega števila mikroorganizmov je bilo 6 od 8 kuhinj potrošnikov srednje starostne skupine in 5 od 8 kuhinj nosečnic neustreznih. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati kažejo, da se večina sodelujočih potrošnikov v raziskavi ne zaveda, da je eden od glavnih načinov za preprečevanje bolezni, ki se prenašajo s hrano, v pravilnem ravnanju z živili v domači kuhinji. Izobraževanje na področju zagotavljanja varnosti živil bi bilo potrebno za različne starostne skupine potrošnikov.

Keywords:magistrska dela, sanitarno inženirstvo, potrošniki, varnost živil, znanje, praksa, vedenje, odnos
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Š. Kisilak]
Number of pages:158 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140662 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122215683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Consumers' knowledge and practice in the domestic kitchen and hygienic condition of kitchen surfaces and equipment : master thesis
Introduction: Food contamination by pathogenic microorganisms can occur at all stages of the agro-food chain, including food preparation in home kitchens. Consumers, as the last link in the chain, have an essential role and a great responsibility in ensuring food safety and hygiene. Purpose: To determine the knowledge of selected population groups of consumers (age group from 35 to 65 years and pregnant women) about food safety, their handling of selected foods, their attitude towards the provision of safe foods, and their practice in preparing food in the home kitchen. In addition, the aim was to determine the cleanliness and microbiological adequacy of surfaces and utensils in the kitchens of selected consumers. Methods: We used a combined methodological approach. With the help of an observation list, we analyzed the appropriate behavior in the preparation of selected foods in consumers' home kitchens. The elements of ensuring food hygiene, which we could not see through observation, were identified through a qualitative content analysis of structured interviews. Keeping food at the appropriate temperature was determined by measuring the temperature in consumers' refrigerators. The hygienic adequacy of work surfaces and utensils in the kitchens was determined by taking swabs for microbiological examinations and the adequacy of cleaning by measuring ATP-bioluminescence. Results: Pregnant women handle food with more care than middle-aged consumers. Consumers have different views on the most critical factors in food preparation and risk perception. Temperatures in the refrigerators ranged from 4.8 to 12.8 °C and were, in all cases, higher than the recommended value of 4 °C. According to ATP-bioluminescence results, 41.25 % of the 80 tested surfaces in consumer kitchens were adequately clean. The total number of microorganisms was exceeded in 45 % of the samples. Enterobacteriaceae were found on 28.8 % of the sampled surfaces, and E. coli on 2.5 %. According to the criteria of ATP-bioluminiscence value and the total number of microorganisms, 6 out of 8 kitchens of middle-aged consumers and 5 out of 8 kitchens of pregnant women were inadequate. Discussion and conclusion: The results show that not all consumers know that one of the main ways to prevent foodborne illnesses is to properly handle food in the home kitchen. Food safety education would be necessary for different age groups of consumers.

Keywords:master's theses, sanitary engineering, consumers, foodsafety, knowledge, practice, behaviour, attitude

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