
Kdo so kupci rezanega cvetja in sobnih rastlin v središčih Osrednjeslovenske in Gorenjske regije
ID Rupnik Čavič, Ajda (Author), ID Černič Istenič, Majda (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kdo so kupci rezanega cvetja in sobnih rastlin smo ugotavljali s pomočjo ankete, ki smo jo izvedli v Ljubljani in Kranju. Ciljna populacija za anketiranje so bili naključni mimoidoči v središču obeh mest. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 100 oseb, od tega 58 oseb ženskega spola in 42 oseb moškega spola. Z raziskavo smo preučili kdo so kupci rezanega cvetja in sobnih rastlin, kakšne so njihove nakupne navade ter osebne lastnosti (spol, starost, izobrazba, itd.), ki naj bi vplivale na njihove nakupne odločitve. Ugotovili smo, da so najpogostejši kupci rezanega cvetja in sobnih rastlin anketiranci starosti med 26 in 50 let, s srednješolsko izobrazbo, zaposleni, ki svoj prosti čas najraje preživijo v naravi. Anketirani se odločajo za nakup rezanega cvetja in sobnih rastlin priložnostno in občasno ter največkrat izberejo šopek rož ali posamezen cvet. Za povečanje prodaje se morajo cvetličarji in vrtnarji potencialnim kupcem posvetiti, jim svetovati pri nakupu in predati informacije glede nege rezanega cvetja in sobnih rastlin, saj večina anketiranih pravi, da jim je najpomembnejši dejavnik pri njihovem nakupu ravno strokovna pomoč prodajalca. Z oglaševanjem cvetličarne in vrtnarije privabijo nove stranke, prav tako pa se morajo potruditi obdržati in hkrati ohranjati odnos z obstoječimi. Stranke se rade vračajo, če dobijo vso pričakovano pomoč in profesionalen ter korekten odnos.

Keywords:Anketa, rezano cvetje, sobne rastline, kupci, Osrednjeslovenska, Gorenjska
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140642 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:125669379 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2022
RUPNIK ČAVIČ, Ajda, 2022, Kdo so kupci rezanega cvetja in sobnih rastlin v središčih Osrednjeslovenske in Gorenjske regije [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Customers characteristics of cut flowers and plants living in the city centers of Osrednjeslovenska and Gorenjska region
With the help of a survey we conducted in Ljubljana and Kranj, we found out who the customers of cut flowers and indoor plants are. The target group of the survey were random passers-by in the centre of the two cities. One hundred people participated in the study, of which 58 were women and 42 were men. We studied who the customers of cut flowers and indoor plants are, what their shopping habits are, and what personal characteristics (gender, age, education, etc.) supposedly influence their purchasing decisions. We found that the most frequent customers of cut flowers and indoor plants are between 26 and 50 years old, have higher education, are employed, and spend their free time in nature. The respondents occasionally choose to buy cut flowers and indoor plants, usually opting for a bouquet or a single flower. In order to increase sales, florists and gardeners should approach potential customers, advise them on the purchase and inform them about the care of cut flowers and indoor plants. Most respondents say that the most important factor in the purchase is the professional help of the seller. With the help of advertising, florists and gardeners attract new customers, but they must also strive to keep them, while maintaining the relationship with the existing ones, who are happy to return to the same flower shop if they receive the expected help, as well as a professional and correct attitude.

Keywords:Survey, cut flowers, indoor plants, customer, Osrednjeslovenska, Gorenjska

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