
Razvoj programirljivega ultrazvočnega merilnika razdalje
ID RUPNIK, DOMEN (Author), ID Hudoklin, Domen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga opisuje razvoj programirljivega ultrazvočnega merilnika (UZ) razdalje. Sestavil sem razvojno orodje, ki bo z vključitvijo FPGA omogočilo kasnejši študij ter nadgraditev električnega in logičnega dela UZ merilnika razdalje. Orodje je sestavljeno iz dveh delov, in sicer iz programirljivega logičnega krmilnika MyRIO ter po meri izdelanega tiskanega vezja. Uvodni del diplomskega dela opisuje ultrazvočne pretvornike, uporabljeno metodo za preračunavanje razdalje ter predstavi vpliv temperature na hitrost ultrazvočnega valovanja. V drugem delu je predstavljena izbrana strojna oprema. Opisan je uporabljen krmilnik MyRIO, ki vključuje FPGA, zaradi katerega smo se tudi odločili za njegovo uporabo. Poleg krmilnika sem razvil tudi tiskano vezje, ki skrbi za ojačitev napetostnih signalov UZ sprejemnika ter toka UZ oddajnika. V tretjem delu sem opisal postopek konfiguracije krmilnika MyRIO v programskem okolju LabVIEW. Ta postopek je razdeljen na dva podsklopa. V prvem predstavim del aplikacije, ki deluje na FPGA in skrbi za generiranje izhodnih signalov ter zajem vhodnih signalov. V drugem podsklopu sem opisal algoritem za preračunavanje razdalje ter izdelavo uporabniškega vmesnika. V sklepnem delu diplomske naloge je še prikazan signal na posameznih stopnjah merilnika.

Keywords:MyRIO, ultrazvočni merilnik razdalje, FPGA
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140630 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122051075 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2022
RUPNIK, DOMEN, 2022, Razvoj programirljivega ultrazvočnega merilnika razdalje [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 1 April 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a programmable ultrasonic distance meter
Thesis presents the development of an ultrasonic distance meter that can be reprogrammed. I have put together a development tool that, with the inclusion of the FPGA, will allow for later study and upgrading of the electrical and logical part of the ultrasonic distance meter. The tool consists of two parts, a MyRIO programmable logic controller and a custom printed circuit board. The introductory part of this thesis describes ultrasonic transducers, the method used to calculate the distance, and presents the influence of temperature on the speed of ultrasonic waves. The second part describes the selected hardware, which also includes the MyRIO controller. The MyRIO controller contains an FPGA, which is one of the main reasons why we decided to choose this controller. In addition to the controller, I also developed a printed circuit that takes care of amplifying the voltage signals of the ultrasonic receiver and the current of the ultrasonic transmitter. In the third part, I described the process of configuring the MyRIO controller in the LabVIEW programming environment. This procedure is divided into two subsets. In the first part, I described a part of the application that works on the FPGA, which is used to generate output signals and capture input signals. In the second subsection, I described the algorithm for calculating the distance and present created user interface. In the concluding part of this thesis is presented at different stages of the ultrasonic meter.

Keywords:MyRIO, ultrasonic distance meter, FPGA

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