The topic of the thesis is plastic in art. I am researching and studying plastic, as a material, its
materiality, texture and expression, in this context also its message, iconological and
ideological value, as artificial waste material, as waste. I’m interested in plastic as a material
imprint, remnant, as human remains. It’s a case of an abstract and abstracted, simplified
approach to the use of unconventional materials, especially plastic and nylon, their
perforation, bending, gluing, molding, cutting, and melting. This creates a multilayered
construction of the painting space on the painting’s surface. With such an approach, in my
works I emphasize the material, materiality, texture, and relief of the painting, the relationship
between light and dark, the relationship between two-dimensional and three-dimensional,
transparency and embossed, three-dimensional, tactile character. The use of plastic as a waste
material, brings with it the questioning of the impact of plastic on the environment, nature and
human themselves. The work is also a representation of ecology, ecological issues, issues of
waste plastic and internal ecology, and anthropological and existential questions. I’m looking
for an answer, a reaction to the contemporary, current situation of the world. Plastic, as a
material and in my works of art acquires a new value and exists, lives in infinity, the infinite
continuum, in the absolute and infinite now.