
Raziskovanje svetlobe v keramiki - Oblikovanje svetila
ID Rendla, Urška (Author), ID Rutar, Kristina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kuhar, Rok (Comentor)

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Diplomsko nalogo sem strukturirala v dva dela, v teoretični oziroma analitično-raziskovalni del in praktični del. Teoretični del sestavlja predstavitev značilnosti svetlobe, lastnosti materiala in različne vrste porcelana. V tem delu predstavim tudi oblikovalce svetil. V praktičnem oz. empiričnem delu predstavim tehnike, ki sem jih preizkušala v procesu testiranja materiala, in končni izdelek, stropno in namizno ambientalno svetilko. V diplomski nalogi se posvečam raziskovanju svetlobe in značilnostim obnašanja svetlobe v keramiki. Raziskovala sem oblikovanje svetil iz keramike, različne pristope oblikovanja svetil in tehnične zakonitosti oziroma podrobnosti delovanja svetil. Najprej sem raziskala svetlobno tehnologijo, vpliv svetlobe na človeka in na njegovo počutje. Ker mi keramika kot material omogoča eksperiment, svetloba v keramiki pa odpira popolnoma novo razsežnost, sem se odločila, da uporabim porcelan, saj omogoča prosojnost in material povezuje s svetlobo. Želela sem ugotoviti, kako se obnaša in kako obstojen je v kombinaciji z različnimi materiali. V ospredju mojega zanimanja je bilo predvsem vprašanje, pri katerem materialu bo dosežen največji učinek prosojnosti ⠒ cilj mojega eksperimentiranja z materiali.

Keywords:Unikatno oblikovanje, Oblikovanje svetil, Svetila za interier, Porcelan, Svetloba, Prosojnost, Hortenzija, Diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140614 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Exploring light in ceramics – Designing light
My diploma thesis consists of two parts theoretical and practical. First I go over diffrent qualities and properties of light and characteristics of various porcelain types. I also present a few lamp designers. Practical part shows the process of testing the techniqes and processes of working the material into finished product a pendant light and ambiental table lamp. In my assignment I discussed lights behaviour and its interaction with ceramics. I researched the design of ceramic lamps, different approaches to their design and the technical funcionality of lamps. I reserched the mechanical part of lighting as well as lights effect on a persons psyche. Since ceramics as a material allows for some experimentation I decided to use porcelaine's translucent property and its interaction with the light. I wanted to find out how it behaves and how durable it is in combination with different materials. At the forefront of my interest was the question of which material will achieve the greatest effect of transparency - the goal of my experimentation with materials.

Keywords:applied arts, design of luminaires, interior lighting, porcelain, light, transparency, hydrangea, BA thesis

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