
Podatkovni model naprav za krmiljenje temperature s standardom OPC UA
ID ADŽAGA, MARKO (Author), ID Rozman, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Hitremu razvoju industrije so sledile ogromne količine podatkov, ki jih hranijo različne naprave, danes pa so pomembne predvsem tiste z dostopom do interneta (IoT). Poznamo mnogo načinov komuniciranja s takšnimi napravami, pri čemer je potrebno zagotoviti varno ter učinkovito prenašanje podatkov. Cilj diplomskega dela je reševanje težav, ki se nanašajo na uspešno branje podatkov z naprave, vzpostavitev popolnega nadzora nad napravo ter določanje ravnanja naprave ob nepravilnem delovanju. Razvili smo podatkovni model za naprave na področju temperaturnega krmiljenja z uporabo standarda OPC UA, ki nam predstavlja rešitev za vse omenjene težave. Diplomsko delo prikazuje tudi primer uporabe podatkovnega modela s simuliranimi podatki različnih naprav, kot so na primer peči in klimatske naprave. Izdelan podatkovni model lahko uporabimo pri nadziranju poljubne naprave za krmiljenje temperature. To pomeni spremljanje njene porabe, stanja, trenutne temperature, pretoka plina in podobno. Prav tako nam izdelan podatkovni model podaljša amortizacijsko dobo naprave, saj vsebuje tudi možnost obveščanja o nepravilnem delovanju naprave. Znanje, ki smo ga pridobili na podlagi vsebine diplomskega dela, lahko uporabimo pri izdelavi podatkovnega modela za naprave na poljubnem področju. Novonastali podatkovni model ni omejen le na klimatske naprave, ampak ga lahko uporabimo tudi v komunikaciji z drugimi (bolj splošnimi) napravami IoT, kot so hladilnik, avto in računalnik.

Keywords:podatkovni model, klimatske naprave, internet stvari (IoT), standard OPC UA, zajem podatkov, merilne naprave, tipala
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140549 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:124096259 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Data model for temperature control devices with OPC UA standard
The rapid development of the industry has been followed by the enormous amounts of data stored by various devices, but nowadays the most important ones are those with Internet access (IoT). There are many ways to communicate with such devices, and ensuring a secure and efficient data transmission is necessary. The aim of the thesis is to solve problems related to the successful reading of data from a device, establishing complete control over the device, and determining the device's behaviour in the event of malfunctioning. We have developed a data model for devices in the field of temperature control using the OPC UA standard, which presents us with a solution to all these problems. The thesis also shows an example of using the data model with simulated data of different devices such as furnaces and air conditioners. The developed data model can be used to control any temperature control device. This means monitoring its consumption, status, current temperature, gas flow, etc. The data model also extends the depreciation life of the device, as it includes the possibility of being informed of malfunctions. The knowledge we have gained from the content of the thesis can be used to build a data model for devices in any field. The newly created data model is not only limited to air conditioners, but can also be used in communication with other (more general) IoT devices such as the refrigerator, the car and the computer.

Keywords:data model, temperature control systems, internet of things (IoT), standard OPC UA, data capture, measurement systems, sensors

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