
Demonstracijski generator zvočnih signalov na merilni plošči STEMlab
ID ROZMAN, TILEN (Author), ID Trost, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V sedajnih časih tehnologije so razvojne ploščice ena izmed najbolj uporabnih in poceni inštrumentov, katere si lahko privoščimo. Njihova uporabnost seže v veliko predelov elektrotehnike, predvsem eksperimentacijo in razvoj. Nekatere razvojne ploščice vsebujejo različne razširitve, kot jo ima STEMLab merilna ploščica. Te razširitve razvojnim ploščicam bistveno izboljšajo praktičnost uporabe, kot tudi sposobnost imitacije aplikacijskih sistemov. Osrednji cilj te naloge je bila izdelava in demonstracija klavirja (generatorja zvočnih signalov) na STEMLab merilni ploščici, opraviti nekaj meritev/simulacij z pomočjo namenskih aplikacij/programov in splošna preučitev pojavljajoče problematike. Za izvedbo demonstracije smo potrebovali več sklopov, ena izmed njiju sta zunanja periferija in izdelani ojačevalec za zvočni signal. Glavno dogajanje poteka v C-programu, kjer algoritem razpolaga z informacijami med zunanjo periferijo in razširitvijo razvojne ploščice (FPGA). Pri meritvah smo uporabljali aplikaciji "Osciloskop" in "Bode-Analyzer", ki sta že vgrajeni funkciji razvojno-merilne ploščice. Po končanih meritvah smo se v pravilnost merilnih rezultatov prepričali z simulacijo identičnih okoliščin (vezja) v programu LT-Spice. Večina simulacij se je ujemala z predhodno dobljenimi merilnimi rezultati, ampak le po rekonstrukciji simulacijske ".sub" tekstovne datoteke LM4880 operacijskega ojačevalnika. Na spletu se ni našla pravilna različica te simulacijske datoteke, zato smo morali izdelati svojo, glede na razpoložljivost parametrov v podatkovnem listu.

Keywords:STEMLab, Merilna ploščica, FPGA, SPICE, C-jezik
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140529 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122698755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2022
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Title:Demonstration sound signal generator on STEMlab measurement board
In present times of technology, development boards are one of the most useful and inexpensive instruments we can afford. Their applicability extends to many areas of electrical engineering, especially experiments and general development. Some of these development boards contain different extensions, like our STEMLab development board. These expansions can significantly improve practicality, as well as the ability to emulate certain application systems The main objectives of this task were to build and demonstrate a FPGA piano (signal generator) with the help of a STEMLab development board, executing some measurements/simulations with the help of STEMLab dedicated applications/programs and general problem solving for any issues that might arise during the processes. The demonstration needed multiple factors together, two of them are the external peripheral device and a manufactured signal amplifier. The main procedure is taking place in the C-program, where the algorithm is manipulating information between the external peripheral and development board extension (FPGA). For measurements, we used the application "Oscilloscope" and "BodeAnalyzer", which are already built into the development-measurement board. After the given measurements we evaluated them in identical circumstances (circuit), with a simulation program called LT-Spice. Most of the simulations were smiliar to the measurement results, but only after reconstructing the ".sub" text file of the LM4880 operational amplifier. The correct version of this simulation file could not be located online, so we had to create our own, based on the availability of parameters in its data-sheet.

Keywords:STEMLab, Measuring board, FPGA, SPICE, C-program

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