
Slomškovo razumevanje edinosti kristjanov : magistrsko delo
ID Dolinar, Marko (Author), ID Malmenvall, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu z naslovom Razumevanje edinosti kristjanov blaženega Antona Martina Slomška avtor predstavi njegovo podobo z vidika prizadevanja za zedinjenje kristjanov, in sicer na podlagi njegovih del, organizacijskega dela in zlasti pridige »Od krščanske sloge in edinosti v veri«. Namen dela je pokazati, da je Slomškovo delo za edinost ukoreninjeno v teološkem izročilu, iz katerega lahko črpamo tudi danes. Naloga je razdeljena na tri dele. V 1. poglavju avtor predstavi življenje blaženega škofa Antona Martina Slomška in tako osvetlitvi njegovo svetniško osebnost, ki jo lahko motrimo predvsem v ljubezni do svete Cerkve. Naloga se nato osredotoči na Slomškove zasluge zanjo. V tem odseku avtor izpostavi pomembnost ustanovitve Bratovščine (Apostolstva) svetega Cirila in Metoda, ki velja za temeljni kamen vsega nadaljnjega dela za edinost na Slovenskem in širše. V 2. poglavju sledi analiza Slomškove pridige »Od krščanske sloge in edinosti v veri«, ki je bila objavljena leta 1850 v knjigi Apostolska hrana bogoljubnim dušam dana. Pri tem avtor izpostavi Slomškove pridonos na področju pridigarstva in opiše značilnosti dotične literarne vrste. Na koncu tega dela je povzetek pridige in njen prepis. V 3. poglavju avtor predstavi tri ključne teološke poudarke, ki jih škof Slomšek dojema kot temeljne značilnosti edinosti. Prvo je prizadevanje za edinost oz. edinost kot temeljna značilnost katoliškega verovanja. Drugo je zavezanost ali zvestoba svetemu izročilu, ki je pogoj edinosti v nauku. Tretja je razumevanje Cerkve kot Kristusovega mističnega telesa. V vsakem podpoglavju sledi predstavitev najpomembnejših odlomkov iz obravnavane pridige, v katerih se zrcali Slomškovo razumevanje posameznega teološkega vidika, ki je nato umeščen v širše ozadje. Na ta način avtor pokaže na kontinuiteto poudarka v celotni zgodovini Cerkve, začenši s svetopisemskim razumevanjem, ki ga osvetli učenje cerkvenih očetov. Na koncu vsakega poglavja je vsebina povzeta in nadgrajena s teološkimi razlagami cerkvenega učiteljstva. Zadnji del naloge je sinteza Slomškovega razumevanja krščanske edinosti.

Keywords:Anton M. Slomšek, Bratovščina sv. Cirila in Metoda, Cerkev, edinost, ekumenizem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Dolinar]
Number of pages:VIII, 88 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140499 This link opens in a new window
UDC:27-675:929 Slomšek A. M.(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:122834691 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Slomšek's understanding of Christian unity: his sermon »On Christian concordance and Unity in faith« : magistrsko delo
In his master's thesis entitled Slomšek's understanding of Christian Unity and his sermon »On Christian Concordance and Unity in Faith«, the author presents the blessed's image from the point of view of his efforts to unify Christians, namely on the basis of his works, organizational activity and especially the sermon »On Christian Concordance and Unity in Faith«. The purpose of the work is to show that Slomšek's work for unity is rooted in a deep theological tradition, from which we can still draw today. The thesis is divided into three parts. In the 1st chapter, the author presents the life of Blessed Bishop Anton M. Slomšek, shedding light on his saintly personality, which can be primarily observed in his love for the Holy Catholic Church. The thesis then focuses on Slomšek's merits. In this section, the author highlights the importance of founding the Fraternity (Apostolate) of Saints Cyril and Methodius, which is considered the cornerstone of all further work for unity (and later ecumenism) in Slovenia and beyond. In the 2nd chapter, follows an analysis of Slomšek's sermon »On Christian Concordance and Unity in Faith«, which was published in the book Apostolic Food for Pious Souls in 1850. Here the author points out Slomšek's contributions in the field of homiletics and describes the characteristics of the respective literary genre. At the end of this part is a summary of the sermon and its transcript. In the 3rd chapter, the author presents three key theological emphases, which Bishop Slomšek perceives as the foundations of unity. The first is the commitment for unity or unity as a fundamental characteristic of the Catholic faith. The second is commitment or fidelity to the Sacred Tradition, which is a condition for doctrinal unity. The third is the understanding of the Church as Christ's Mystical Body. Each part is followed by a presentation of most important passages from the above considered sermon, which reflect Slomšek's understanding of a particular theological aspect. The latter is then placed in a wider background. In this way, the author shows the continuity of a emphases throughout the history of the Church, beginning with the biblical understanding and than illuminated by the teaching of Church Fathers. At the end of each part, the content is summarized and enriched by theological explanations of the Church's Magisterium. The last part is a synthesis of Slomšek's understanding of Christian unity.

Keywords:Anton M. Slomšek, Fraternity (Apostolate) of St. Cyril and Methodius, Church, Unity, Ecumenism

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