
Vpliv uporabe metode konstruktivne polemike na stališča in znanje dijakov o volkovih
ID Rovtar, Jerneja (Author), ID Peklaj, Cirila (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Tomažič, Iztok (Comentor)

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Dijaki se lahko s pomočjo metode konstruktivne polemike pri pouku biologije naučijo uporabljati biološko znanje pri reševanju naravovarstvenih problemov, kar je ena izmed kompetenc, ki jo predvideva učni načrt za biologijo v gimnazijah. V okviru naše raziskave smo želeli preučiti vplive metode konstruktivne polemike na stališča in znanje dijakov o volkovih. Glede volkov se v Sloveniji pojavljajo konflikti med rejci drobnice in naravovarstveniki, zato smo za primer reševanja problema vzeli ta spor. Raziskavo smo izvedli s 153 dijaki vseh štirih letnikov srednje šole, ki večinoma obiskujejo gimnazijo. Vsi so pred učenjem, takoj po učenju in štirinajst dni po učenju izpolnili vprašalnik, s katerim smo ugotavljali stališča in znanje dijakov o volkovih. Polovica dijakov se je učila z besedili in je možno rešitev problema glede volka iskala individualno. Druga polovica dijakov je sodelovala v manjših skupinicah po 5 ali 6 in je rešitev problema iskala s pomočjo metode konstruktivne polemike. Ugotovili smo, da konstruktivna polemika vpliva na znanje dijakov o volkovih, na stališča pa ne. Znanje dijakov je bilo pri obeh metodah učenja najnižje pred poukom, najvišje takoj po učenju, po štirinajstih dneh pa je bilo višje kot na začetku, a nižje kot takoj po učenju. Ugotovili smo tudi, da imajo dekleta in fantje enaka stališča do volkov in da konstruktivna polemika enako vpliva na stališča in znanje dijakov in dijakinj, delo z besedili pa bolj vpliva na znanje dijakinj. Analiza predlogov za rešitev problema med rejci drobnice in naravovarstveniki je pokazala, da razlike v kompleksnosti in utemeljitvi rešitve med dijaki, ki so se učili po različnih metodah, ni bilo. Najpogostejši ukrep, ki so ga dijaki predlagali, je bil razvoj in postavitev boljših ograj za drobnico.

Keywords:volk, znanje, stališča, konstruktivna polemika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Rovtar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140481 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122116355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of constructive controversy on secondary school student's attitudes toward and knowledge about wolves
High school students can learn how to use biological knowledge and solve environmental problems with the help of constructive controversy. This is one of the competences included in the biology curriculum for high schools. In our research we wanted to study the effects of constructive controversy on high school students’ attitudes towards wolves and their knowledge about wolves. In Slovenia there are common conflicts between sheep breeders and environmentalists concerning wolves. As an example of problem solving we used that conflict. 153 students from all four grades of high school participated in our research. They filled out the survey that was used to determine students’ attitude towards wolves and their knowledge about them at three different times: before the lessons, right after the lessons and two weeks after the lessons. Half of the students were working on the solution about wolves individually by working with texts. The other half of students were working in small groups of five or six; they were trying to find a solution by constructive controversy. We found out that constructive controversy as a teaching method effects students’ knowledge but not their attitudes. Students’ knowledge was on the lowest level before the lessons and on the highest level after the lessons. After two weeks the level of knowledge was in between. The results showed that girls and boys have the same attitude towards wolves. The effects of constructive controversy were the same on girls and boys while working with the text had more effect on girls’ knowledge. The analysis of suggestions for the solution of the problem between the sheep breeders and the environmentalists showed there was no difference between complexity and argumentation of the suggestions between students who worked individually or in a group. The most frequent suggestion was to develop and put up better fences for sheep.

Keywords:wolf, knowledge, attitudes, constructive controversy

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