
Obravnava temeljev kognitivnega jezikoslovja skozi filozofijo poznega Wittgensteina
ID Klinc, Erik (Author), ID Lipovšek, Frančiška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Cerkovnik, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pričujoče magistrsko delo združuje filozofsko in jezikoslovno analizo pojma jezika z namenom primerjave idej poznega obdobja Ludwiga Wittgensteina ter temeljnih idej kognitivnega jezikoslovja. Koncept družinskih podobnosti je vzet kot začetna točka primerjave, saj ga je sprva uvedel Wittgenstein, kasneje pa ga je uporabila Eleanor Rosch v začetnih fazah razvoja kognitivnega jezikoslovja. Filozofija jezika poznega Wittgensteina je analizirana skozi razvoj in preobrazbo njegovih konceptov od zgodnjega do poznega obdobja. Sedem najpomembnejših idej njegovega poznega obdobja je opredeljenih in razloženih z namenom pravilnega razumevanja njegove filozofije jezika. Podobno je predstavljen splošen pregled kognitivnega jezikoslovja. Raznolike definicije, združene z opisom razvoja od njegovih začetkov do danes predstavijo koherentno sliko tega področja. Velik poudarek je na zgodnjih eksperimentih, ki so jih izvajali Paul Kay, Brent Berlin in Eleanor Rosch, kar pomaga opredeliti temelje oziroma najosnovnejše ideje in principe kognitivnega jezikoslovja ter pojmovanja jezika v njem. Analiza se osredotoča na proces kategorizacije, saj ta predstavlja idealno podlago za primerjavo dveh pogledov na jezik – Wittgensteinovega in tistega v kognitivnem jezikoslovju. Zadnji del naloge analizira pet glavnih točk spora med njima in predstavi njune nasprotne poglede z namenom preučitve podobnosti in razlik. S pomočjo analize pomena in kategorizacije kot filozofskih in kognitivnih predmetov preučevanja skuša delo odgovoriti na vprašanje, kako bi se bil Wittgenstein odzval na pojem jezika, kot ga predstavlja kognitivno jezikoslovje. Raziskava in zaključki potrjujejo začetno hipotezo, da se pojmovanji jezika pri poznem Wittgensteinu in pri kognitivnem jezikoslovju popolnoma razlikujeta in predstavljata nasprotne poglede, kljub temu, da se sprva zdita podobni in da obe pojmovanji uporabljata koncept družinskih podobnosti.

Keywords:kognitivno jezikoslovje, pozni Wittgenstein, družinske podobnosti, pomen, kategorizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140475 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:123249667 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Discussing the foundations of cognitive linguistics through the later Wittgenstein's philosophy
The present thesis combines philosophical and linguistic analysis of the concept of language to compare the ideas of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s later period and the foundational ideas of cognitive linguistics. The notion of family resemblances is taken as a starting point of the comparison, since it was first introduced by Wittgenstein and then used by Eleanor Rosch in the beginning of the development of cognitive linguistics. The later Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language is analyzed through the development and transformation of his concepts from the early period to the later. Seven most important ideas of his later period are identified and explained with the aim of properly understanding his philosophy of language. Likewise, a general overview of cognitive linguistics is presented. Different definitions are combined with the description of the development of the field from its beginnings to present a coherent picture. Much emphasis is put on the early experiments in this field, i.e., that of Paul Kay, Brent Berlin, and Eleanor Rosch, which helps identify the foundations or the most basic ideas and principles of cognitive linguistics and its conceptualization of language. Categorization as a process is put into focus because it presents and ideal ground for the comparison of the two views of language – Wittgenstein’s and that of cognitive linguistics. The last section examines five main clashing points between the two and presents their opposing views with the aim of analyzing similarities and differences. With the help of the analysis of meaning and categorization as philosophical and cognitive objects, the thesis tries to answer the question of how Wittgenstein would have reacted to the concept of language as presented by cognitive linguistics. The research and conclusions confirm the initial hypothesis that despite seeming similar at first and both using the concept of family resemblances, the later Wittgenstein’s conceptualization of language and that of cognitive linguistics are completely different and present opposing views.

Keywords:cognitive linguistics, the later Wittgenstein, family resemblances, meaning, categorization

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