
Od kisaeng do tolažilnic: analiza spolnega dela v Koreji : analiza spolnega dela v Koreji
ID Oblak, Maša (Author), ID Kang, Byoung Yoong (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Cergol Paradiž, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga zajema predstavitev dveh pojmov, ki sta močno zaznamovala korejsko zgodovino. V prvo skupino spadajo ženske zabavljačice oziroma t.i. kisaeng, ki so imele kot ženske unikaten položaj čez obdobja korejske zgodovine. Čeprav so same pripadale najnižjemu razredu, so po usposabljanju postale elegantne in ene izmed bolj izobraženih žensk v tedanji patriarhalni družbi. Ena izmed uslug, ki so jih ponujale, je bila tudi spolna ponudba s katero so se močno ločile od ostalih uglednih Korejk. Drugi pojem, ki je obravnavan v nalogi pa so t.i. tolažilnice. Med drugo svetovno vojno je Japonska oblikovala tolažilniške sisteme po večjem delu Azije, s katerimi so poskušali vojakom povrniti borbeni duh in jim olajšati samotno vojaško življenje. Žrtve, pod pretvezo dela v tovarnah, nekatere izmed njih tudi ugrabljene, so trpele bolečine posilstva tako v času tolažilniškega sistema kot tudi še po propadu le-tega (po letu 1945).Zaradi zanikanj povezanih s tem sistemom, so se žrtve v 90ih letih prejšnjega stoletja, odločile javnost obvestiti o zločinskih dejanjih in Japonska je vendarle začela z opravičili žrtvam in njihovim družinam. A po mnenju žrtev so ta opravičila zelo sporna, zato se problem tolažilnic nadaljuje v današnji čas. Cilj diplomske naloge je torej prikazati spremembo spolnega dela, ki ga je zaznamoval japonski ekspanzionizem v 20. stoletju. Naloga je razdeljena na analizo tako kisaeng poklica kot tudi samih t.i. tolažilnic, žrtev posilstva japonskih vojakov. Preko raziskovanja omenjenih gesel je moč razbrati, da se tolažilniški sistem ni razvil direktno iz kisaeng poklica, kar je še vedno sporna debata v Južni Koreji.

Keywords:kisaeng, tolažilnice, Koreja, konfucijanstvo, japonski imperij
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Oblak]
Number of pages:50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140457 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122930947 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:From Kisaeng to Comfort Women: A Study on Sexual Work in Korea
The thesis involves presenting two concepts that marked Korean history. The first concept are female entertainers, or so-called kisaeng, who, as women, have had a unique position over periods of Korean history. Although they themselves belonged to the lowest class, after training they became elegant and one of the more educated women in at that time very patriarchal society. One of the services they offered was also a sexual offer, which distinguished them greatly from other prominent Korean women. The second concept discussed in the dissertation is about the so-called comfort women. During World War II, Japan designed comfort systems across much of Asia to try to restore the fighting spirit to soldiers and make their solitary military life easier. The victims, who were enrolled under the pretext of working in factories, some also abducted, suffered the pain of rape both during the operation of such departments and even after the collapse of the comfort system, when Japan finally admitted defeat after the war. Because of constant denying of this system, the victims decided to let the public know about these crimes in the 90s. However, according to the victims, these apologies are highly controversial, so the problem is still being continued into the present. So the aim of the thesis is to demonstrate the change in sex work marked by Japanese expansionism in the 20th century. The thesis is divided into an analysis of both the female ententeiners kisaengs and the rape victims of Japanese soldiers so-called comfort women. By exploring these keywords, it is possible to discern that the comfort system did not evolve from the kisaeng system, which is still a controversial topic in South Korea.

Keywords:kisaeng, comfort women, Korea, Confucianism, Japanese empire

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