
Uporaba plazenj in lazenj pri rokometaših mlajših starostnih kategorij : diplomsko delo
ID Weiss, Anže (Author), ID Šibila, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Plazenje in lazenje pogosto povezujemo le z zgodnjim otrokovim razvojem in ju dojemamo kot nekakšen korak na poti do pokončne hoje ali kvečjemu kot ogrevalno in krepilno vajo. S to diplomsko nalogo smo ugotovili, da sta ti dve gibanji zelo uporabni gibalni obliki, ki ju prepogosto zanemarjamo. Z ustrezno modifikacijo in pripomočki, lahko ta naravna, na prvi pogled enostavna gibanja, spremenimo v intenzivne in energijsko zahtevne vaje. Opisali smo primere, kako plazenje in lazenje uporabiti v začetnem ali ogrevalnem delu, glavnem in zaključnem delu treninga rokometašev. Ker pa smo se osredotočili predvsem na mlajše generacije rokometašev, smo predstavili tudi primere, kako vaje vključiti v elementarne igre, s pomočjo katerih vaja postane bolj zabavna, lahko tudi tekmovalna, kar pripomore k hitrejšemu učenju in doseganju želenih ciljev vadbe. Na koncu diplomske naloge smo sestavili tudi tri primere treningov, kako bi lazenja in plazenja vključili v vadbeni proces.

Keywords:rokomet, plazenje, lazenje, naravne oblike gibanja, elementarne igre
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140429 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211474435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Use of creeping and crawling on handball players of younger age categories
We often associate creeping and crawling with early childhood development, and only acknowledge it as a stage before upright walking, or at most as a warm-up or strengthening exercise. With this dissertation we have discovered that these two movements are very useful forms of movement which are neglected far too often. With the appropriate modification and aids, we can transform these natural and seemingly simple movements into intense and energy-demanding exercises. We have illustrated examples of how to use crawling and creeping in the initial or warm-up part, the main part, and the final part of handball training. However, because we have focused on younger generations of handball players, we have also included examples of how to integrate these exercises in elementary games, which makes exercises more fun or even competitive, and helps in learning and achieving the expected goals faster. At the end of this dissertation, we have added three examples of training of how to include creeping and crawling into the training process.

Keywords:handball, crawling, creeping, natural movements, elementary games

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