
Analiza asinhronskih motorjev z zasenčenimi poli
ID ŠTEMPIHAR, GAL (Author), ID Čorović, Selma (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem numerično modeliral in analiziral enofazni asinhronski električni motor z zasenčenimi poli. Uvodoma je najprej predstavljen pregled literature, princip delovanja enofaznega motorja z zasenčenimi poli, magnetno polje zračne reže, sestavni deli in konstrukcija motorja, različne izvedbe motorjev z zasenčenimi poli, karakteristike in lastnosti obratovanja ter nenazadnje še uporaba tovrstnih motorjev v industriji. Numerično modeliranje in analizo enofaznega asinhronskega motorja z zasenčenimi poli sem izvajal v simulacijskem okolju Ansys Maxwell,ki temelji na metodi končnih elementov. V tem okolju sem na podlagi okvirnih podatkov delujočega industrijskega stroja zgradil dvodimenzionalen simulacijski model. Rezultate simulacij sem primerjal z meritvami, ki sem jih opravil na realnem stroju v laboratoriju. V nadaljevanju je opisan simulacijski program Ansys Maxwell, postopek modeliranja zgrajenega simulacijskega modela ter njegove konstrukcijske lastnosti. Opisane so tudi nastavitve simulacije v simulacijskem programu Ansys Maxwell. V zadnjem delu diplomske naloge so predstavljeni rezultati simulacij. V simulacijskem okolju sem izvajal simulacije zgrajenega dvodimenzionalnega simulacijskega modela za različne parametre snovno geometrijskih lastnosti konstrukcijskih delov motorja. Za različne parametre sem med seboj primerjal rezultate navornih karakteristik, tokovne obremenitve, časovne poteke magnetilnih tokov in navora, vrtilnega polja v zračni reži in magnetnega polja v statorskem jedru, ter izrisal hodografe rezultirajočega vrtilnega polja. Posebej sem se osredotočil na vpliv različnih oblik rotorskih palic in lastnosti pomožnega navitja na rezultirajoče navorne karakteristike.

Keywords:asinhronski motor z zasenčenimi poli, metoda končnih elementov, numerično modeliranje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140413 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:121495299 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of shaded-pole induction motors
The thesis addresses numerical modeling and analysis of shaded pole induction motor. In the beginning an overview of existing publication on the matter is presented, along with explanations of working principles of shaded pole induction motor, air gap magnetic field, components and construction of such motor, types of shaded pole induction motors, characteristics and industry applications of such motors in industry. Numerical modeling and analysis of shaded pole induction motor was carried out in a program called Ansys Maxwell, which is based on final element analysis method. Based on approximate data of a working mass-produced shaded pole induction motor, a two-dimensional model for simulation was created. Simulation results were compared to laboratory measurements. Next, an overview of program Ansys Maxwell is provided along with the process of numerical modeling of the created model of shaded pole induction motor. Simulation setup in the program Ansys Maxwell is also presented. In the last part of this thesis simulation results are presented. Simulations of shaded pole induction motor model were carried out for different parameters of its construction parts and materials used. For different parameters of the model, results for torque curves, load current, time flow of magnetizing currents and torque, air gap rotating magnetic field and stator core magnetic field were compared in relation to each other. Hodographs of resulting rotating magnetic field are also depicted. The focus was on determining the effect of different materials and geometrical shapes of rotor cage bars and different characteristics of shading pole rings on output torque curve.

Keywords:shaded pole induction motor, final element analysis, numerical modeling

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