
Rekonfiguracija in prerazporejanje obremenitve srednjenapetostnega razdelilnega sistema
ID PIRNAT, GAŠPER (Author), ID Pantoš, Miloš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava vpliv spremembe konfiguracije omrežja na viške delovne in jalove energije, ki se jih potiska v visokonapetostno (VN) omrežje, na izgube na izvodu ter padce napetosti po vozliščih. Model omrežja je bil modeliran v programskem paketu Matpower na podlagi realnega razdelilnega omrežja Elektra Ljubljana, prav tako so bile za izračun pretoka moči uporabljene realne meritve za leto 2020. Na območju razdelilne transformatorske postaje (RTP) Črnomelj, ki je obravnavano v nalogi, se nahajajo štirje izvodi z veliko razpršenimi viri energije, kjer posledično prihaja do potiskanja viškov električne energije v RTP in VN omrežje. Da bi se zmanjšalo potiskanje električne energije, se je v simulacijah premikalo ločilno mesto med izvodi. Tako se je spremenila konfiguracija omrežja, s ciljem čim več električne energije porabiti v srednjenapetostnem (SN) omrežju. Prva simulacija je bila izvedena za normalno obratovalno stanje v letu 2020. Nato pa se je premikalo ločilno mesto med izvodi. Nove lokacije ločilnih mest so bile določene vnaprej, na podlagi izkušenj. Preklapljanja med konfiguracijami so bila izvedena na letnem, mesečnem, tedenskem in dnevnem nivoju. Na koncu naloge se je določil najboljši vrstni red obratovanja glede na porivanje viškov električne energije v VN omrežje, izgube na daljnovodih ter napetostne razmere na daljnovodih.

Keywords:konfiguracija, Matpower, električna energija, pretok moči, napetost, izgube
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140405 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:121622019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Reconfiguration and load redistribution of middle voltage distribution system
This diploma thesis discusses the impact a change of network configuration has on surplus of active and reactive energy that is pushed in HV network, on losses per feeder and voltage drops on nodes. The model of network was created in programming package Matpower, based on a real distribution network of Elektro Ljubljana. The measurements that were used for power flow were also real measurements for the year 2020. In the area of electric transformation station Črnomelj, which is discussed in the thesis, there are four feeders that have many renewable energy sources. Therefore, pushing of surplus energy into electric transformation station and HV network occurs. To decrease pushing of redundant energy, the separation point between feeders was moved in simulation, thus the network of configuration changed, in order to use as much electricity as possible in MV network. First simulation was carried out for normal state in the year 2020. Then, the separation point was moved between feeders. New locations for separation points were determined in advance, based on experience. New simulations were executed annually, monthly, weekly and on daily basis. At the end of the diploma thesis, the best order of operation in regard to pushing redundant electricity to HV network, losses per feeder and voltage drops on nodes, was defined.

Keywords:configuration, Matpower, electrical energy, power flow, voltage, losses

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