
Predelava gorskega kolesa v električno kolo
ID BABIĆ, MARINA (Author), ID Ažbe, Valentin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ideje in koncepti električnih koles, ki so se z leti vse bolj izpopolnjevali, so se začeli že v 19. stoletju, njihova prva realizacija pa je nastopila mnogo let kasneje in s tem pritegnila zanimanje mnogih ljudi. Vse več ljudi se je zanimalo za alternativo avtomobilom in drugim oblikam prevoza, ki okolje onesnažujejo z izpušnimi plini, cene naftnih derivatov samo naraščajo. Tržišče so tako preplavila elekrična vozila, med njimi pa najbolj električna kolesa, skiroji, skuterji ter električni avtomobili. Električno kolo s svojo prednostjo, da je cenovno dostopno večini ljudi, omogoča hitrejši, cenejši ter okolju prijazen način prevoza. Omogoča fizično aktivnost tudi tistim, ki navadnega kolesa zaradi zdravstvenih težav ne morejo uporabljati, kot tudi starejšim, ki z manj napora lahko prekolesarijo veliko več kot ponavadi. Cilj diplomske naloge je bila predelava navadnega gorskega kolesa v električnega. Najprej je bilo potrebno pregledati možne načine in vrste elektrifikacije koles ter izbrati eno, ki bi bila najboljši kompromis med ceno, tehnično primernostjo in težavnostjo. Odločila sem se za uporabo litij-ionskega akumulatorja in centralnega motorja, ki pomaga uporabniku oziroma uporabnika asistira ob pedaliranju. Tako ima človek možnost ohraniti lepoto navadnega kolesarjenja, ob tem pa s pomočjo motorja lažje premagovati hribovit teren ter z manj fizičnega napora prekolesariti več kilometrov. Po predelavi so nastopili nekateri problemi, kot so slabljenje vijakov na gonilkah in motorju, škripanje verige… Vsi so bili uspešno odpravljeni in rezultat je bilo tehnično pravilno delujoče električno kolo, s katerim je bilo možno na električni pogon doseči 25 km/h. Motor nam ponuja štiri nastavitve pomoči: »eco«, »tour«, »speed« in »turbo«. Čas polnjenja baterije je bil pet in pol ur. Napolnjena baterija, ob nenehni uporabi najvišje stopnje pomoči motorja, zdrži do prevoženih 90 kilometrov.

Keywords:električno kolo, motor, akumulator
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140404 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:121372163 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Conversion of mountain bicycle into electric bicycle
Although the ideas and concepts of electric bicycles began in 19th century and have been developing over the years, their first realization took place many years later, attracting the interest of many. More and more people have become interested in alternative forms of transportation that do not pollute the environment with exhaust gases and offer cheaper means of transportation with the prices of petroleum products reaching record heights. The market was thus taken over by electric vehicles, among which mostly electric bicycles, scooters, electric motor bike and electric cars. The electric bicycle, with its advantage of being affordable for many people, enables a faster, cheaper and environmentally friendly mode of transport. It enables physical activity even for those who cannot use an ordinary bicycle due to health issues and the elderly, who can now cycle more than usual with less effort. In the diploma thesis, the main task was to transform an ordinary mountain bike into an electric one. First I had to look at the possible ways and types of bike electrification and choose one that would be the best compromise between price, technical suitability and difficulty. I decided to use a lithium-ion battery and a central motor, which assists the user while pedaling. In this way one has the opportunity to preserve the beauty of ordinary cycling and at the same time, with the help of a motor, is able to overcome longer distances and more challenging terrain with less physical effort. After the conversion, some problems appeared, such as the loosening of the screws on the cranks and the motor, the chain screeching... Everything was successfully repaired and the result was a properly functioning electric bike that could reach 25 km/h with the help of the motor. The motor offers four settings/levels of assistance: ''eco'', ''tour'', ''speed'' and ''turbo''. The battery charging time was five and a half hours. The battery itself lasts up to 90 kilometers when motor is constantly used at the maximum level of assistance.

Keywords:electric bicycle, motor, accumulator

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