In the master's degree project, an animated documentary about invasive plant species in Slovenia was developed. Elements from scientific illustration have been used to explain where and how invasive plant species settle, how they affect the environment and humans, and which plants actually are foreign species. Aspects of an expert, regarding the future of the relationship between man and nature and other topics delving with this theme are presented. Hypothesis of the master's degree project states that animation can bring attention to the issue of invasive foreign plants to younger generations, more likely than other forms of media in Slovenia, as it raises more awareness. In the theoretical part, research was done on a documentary film, its genre, a brief historical overview of animation and animated documentary film, the field of film compared to documentary film. Next, the juncture between scientific illustration and animated documentary was explored. In this regard, various animated documentaries and most prominent common features were analysed. We also researched the issue of invasive plants and conducted interviews with three experts working in the field of nature conservancy.