
ID Zonta, Tadej (Author), ID Beškovnik, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga obravnava tržne pristope logističnega podjetja Fersped d.o.o. Izhodiščni namen je bil analizirati in obrazložiti ključne tržne pristope logističnega podjetja ter poiskati prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti in nevarnosti na tem področju. Nalogo sem razdelil na dva dela, in sicer na teoretični in praktični del. V teoretičnem delu sem s pomočjo strokovnih člankov in zbrane domače ter tuje literature opredelil teoretične osnove logistike ter trženja. Na področju logistike sem preučil, kako tuji in slovenski strokovnjaki interpretirajo pojem, pomen in cilje logistike. Opisal sem značilnosti vsake logistične storitve posebej, osredotočenost pa je bila predvsem na zunanjem transportu. V nadaljevanju sem podobno storil pri trženju storitev, kjer sem opisal pojem, značilnosti, različne poslovne koncepte in tržne modele. Nato sem vse skupaj pogledal še z vidika trženja logističnih in transportnih storitev. Za praktični del sem s pomočjo zaposlenih v podjetju pridobil potrebne podatke in informacije o delovanju, organiziranosti in storitvah podjetja. Na kratko sem opisal osnovne podatke in vse dejavnosti, s katerimi se ukvarjajo ter jih ponujajo. Ker se tema diplomske naloge osredotoča predvsem na področje trženja, sem naredil analizo tržnih pristopov podjetja s pomočjo sedmih elementov tržnega spleta. Na koncu sem opravil SWOT analizo, s katero sem ugotovil prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti in nevarnosti logističnega podjetja Fersped d.o.o.

Keywords:logistika, logistični procesi, zunanji transport, tržni pristopi, storitve, trženjski splet, podjetje Fersped d.o.o.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140365 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2022
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The diploma thesis discusses the different marketing approaches of the logistics company Fersped d.o.o. The main purpose was to analyse, explain the key market approaches of chosen logistics company, and find strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, which the company may encounter in this area. The assignment is divided into two parts, namely the theoretical part and the practical part. In the theoretical part, I defined the bases of logistics and marketing based on professional articles and collected domestic and foreign literature. In the fields regarding logistics, I studied how both foreign and Slovenian experts interpret the meaning, importance and goals of logistics. Then, I described the characteristics of each logistics service, in particular the characteristics of external transport. The next part was about service marketing where the definition of the term and the description of its characteristics, different business concepts and marketing models were given. Then, I looked at everything from the point of view of marketing logistics and transport services. For the practical part, with the help of the company's employees, I obtained the necessary data and information about the operation, organization and services of the company, based on which I have briefly described the basic information and all the activities that they are engaged in and they are offering. Since the topic of the diploma thesis is mainly focused on marketing, I have made an analysis of the company's marketing approaches with the help of the seven elements of the marketing web. In the end, I performed a SWOT analysis, which showed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the logistics company Fersped d.o.o itself.

Keywords:logistics, logistics processes, transport, market approaches, services, marketing web, company Fersped d.o.o.

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