
Vloga zelenih površin v Ljubljani v času pandemije covida-19 na primeru Golovca, Rožnika in Ljubljanskega gradu
ID Kastelic, Vid (Author), ID Rebernik, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo na podlagi sistematičnega popisa ukrepov proti širjenju covida-19, raziskovanja zelenih površin in obsežne ankete skuša prikazati vlogo zelenih površin v času pandemije, na primeru Golovca, Rožnika in Ljubljanskega gradu. To doseže tako, da na podlagi enakih raziskav onesnaženosti in degradacije na zelenih površinah leta 2019 in 2022 določi spremembo vloge zelenih površin med leti, ko je življenje zaznamovala pandemija covida-19. Raziskave so sestavljene iz pregleda poti na posameznih zelenih površinah v iskanju sprememb v potni eroziji in določanju onesnaženosti s popisovanjem najdenih odpadkov. To je dopolnjeno še z anketo, ki obsega vprašanja glede življenja v času pandemije, uporabe zelenih površin pred in med pandemijo in mnenja o vplivu zelenih površin na različne segmente življenja. Zelene površine so v času pandemije postale bolj pomembne za družbo, saj so ponujale prostor za sproščanje in rekreacijo, še posebej v času omejitve gibanja na občine in regije. Zelene površine so služile tudi kot prostor za socializacijo, saj so se nanje umikali posamezniki, da bi se izognili kaznim, ko je bilo druženje prepovedano. Zaradi teh novih vlog so zelene površine na splošno bolj cenjene, vprašanje pa je, ali bo to ostalo tudi po koncu pandemije.

Keywords:urbane zelene površine, pandemija Covid, Ljubljana, degradacija zelenih površin, urbana ekologija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140344 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2022
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Title:The role of green surfaces in Ljubljana during the covid-19 pandemic in the case of Golovec, Rožnik and Ljubljana Castle
Based on a systematic inventory of measures against the spread of covid-19, research on green areas and an extensive survey, the master thesis tries to show the role of green areas during the pandemic using the example of Golovec, Rožnik and Ljubljana Castle. This is accomplished by determining the change in the role of green areas during the years life was shaped by the covida-19 pandemic, based on the same research on pollution and degradation of green areas in 2019 and 2022. The research consists of an overview of the paths on individual green areas in the search for changes in path erosion and the determination of pollution by inventorying the waste found. This is complemented by a survey containing questions about life during the pandemic, the use of green areas before and during the pandemic, and opinions on the impact of green areas on different areas of life. Green areas gained in importance for society during the pandemic, as they offered a place of relaxation and exercise, especially in times when movement was restricted to municipalities and regions. Green areas also served as a space for socialization, as individuals withdrew to avoid punishment when socialization was forbidden. Because of these new roles, green areas are generally valued higher, and the question is whether this will continue after the pandemic is over.

Keywords:urban green areas, Covid pandemic, Ljubljana, degradation of green areas, urban ecology

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