
Doživljanje vertikalnega trpinčenja od spodaj navzgor pri ravnateljih in ravnateljicah slovenskih osnovnih in srednjih šol : magistrsko delo
ID Ornik, Vita (Author), ID Babnik, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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O fenomenu trpinčenja od spodaj navzgor, to je trpinčenje nadrejenih, ki ga izvajajo podrejeni, je v znanstveni literaturi napisanega zelo malo. V svoji raziskavi sem raziskala, ali je trpinčenje od spodaj navzgor prisotno in kako se kaže pri ravnateljih slovenskih osnovnih in srednjih šol. Uporabila sem mešano metodo raziskovanja, tako da sem kombinirala kvantitativni in kvalitativni pristop. V prvem delu raziskave so sodelujoči ravnatelji (N = 129) izpolnili vprašalnik negativnih vedenj NAQ-R in samooceno trpinčenja od spodaj navzgor. V drugem delu raziskave sem izvedla polstrukturirane intervjuje (N = 9), v katerih sem ravnatelje spraševala o njihovih izkušnjah s trpinčenjem od spodaj navzgor. Rezultati so pokazali, da se 20 % ravnateljev tedensko ali dnevno sooča z negativnim vedenjem svojih podrejenih, 5 % ravnateljev je v vprašalniku tudi ocenilo, da so žrtve trpinčenja na delovnem mestu. Takšni rezultati govorijo v prid nadaljnjemu raziskovanju trpinčenja od spodaj navzgor. Podrejeni za trpinčenje nadrejenih uporabljajo specifične oblike moči (moč prisile in strukturno moč). Pod dejavnike nastanka trpinčenja so ravnatelji uvrstili organizacijske spremembe, osebnostno problematične zaposlene in primerjanje z drugimi zaposlenimi. Negativne osebne in psihološke posledice trpinčenja od spodaj navzgor so pri ravnateljih podobne kot pri drugih žrtvah trpinčenja, dodatno pa so ravnatelji izpostavili tudi pozitivno posledico osebne rasti. Pri soočanju s trpinčenjem ravnatelji uporabljajo tako ustrezne aktivne kot pasivne strategije soočanja. Predlagam model raziskovanja trpinčenja od spodaj navzgor pri slovenskih ravnateljih, ki lahko služi kot teoretična podlaga nadaljnjim raziskavam o trpinčenju od spodaj navzgor tudi pri drugih profilih vodij.

Keywords:trpinčenje, ravnatelji, delovni pogoji, soočanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Ornik]
Number of pages:44 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140341 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:124874499 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Experiences of vertical upwards bullying among head teachers of Slovenian primary and secondary schools
Very little has been written in the scientific literature about the phenomenon of upwards bullying, i.e. bullying by subordinates against superiors. In my research, I investigated whether upwards bullying is present and how it manifests itself in Slovenian primary and secondary school head teachers. I used a mixed methods research, combining a quantitative and a qualitative approach. In the first part of the study, the participating head teachers (N = 129) completed the Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ-R) and self-assessment of upwards bullying. In the second part of the study, I conducted semi-structured interviews (N = 9) in which I asked head teachers about their experiences of upwards bullying. The results showed that 20 % of the head teachers experience negative behaviours from their subordinates on a weekly or daily basis, and 5 % of the head teachers also rated themselves as victims of workplace bullying on the questionnaire. Such results argue in favour of further research on upwards bullying. Subordinates use specific forms of power (coercive power and structural power) to bully their superiors. Head teachers ranked organisational change, employees with difficult personalities and comparisons with other employees as factors in the occurrence of bullying. The negative personal and psychological consequences of upwards bullying for head teachers are similar to those of other victims of bullying, but additionally head teachers highlighted the positive consequence of personal growth. Head teachers use both appropriate active and passive coping strategies when dealing with upwards bullying. I propose a model of exploring upwards bullying in Slovenian head teachers that can serve as a theoretical basis for further research on upwards bullying in other leadership profiles.

Keywords:bullying, school principals, working conditions, coping behaviour

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