
Ptolemajevo razumevanje geografije
ID Petrovčič, Klara (Author), ID Ogrin, Darko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaključna seminarska naloga opisuje, na kakšen način je Klavdij Ptolemaj dojemal geografijo. Predstavljeni so vsi podatki, ki so znani o Ptolemajevem življenju - večina jih je pridobljenih iz besedila Ptolemajevih razprav, nekaj pa iz komentarjev učenjakov, ki so živeli v istem času kot Ptolemaj. Podrobneje je predstavljena vsebina Geografskega priročnika. Omenjeni sta tudi deli Almagest in Tetrabiblos, ki se vsebinsko ne povezujeta s temo diplomske naloge, ampak Ptolemaj pri raziskovanju uporablja določene metode, ki so opisane v teh dveh knjigah. Ptolemaj je geografijo enačil s kartografijo, pri čemer je razlikoval med geografijo in horografijo. Obe vedi se ukvarjata z opisom znanega sveta, vendar se prva osredotoča na splošne značilnosti sveta, druga pa na posamezne dele ali regije sveta. Ptolemajeva odkritja so bila več stoletij splošno sprejeta, dokler ni prišlo do novih ugotovitev, ki so izpodbila Ptolemajeve teorije.

Keywords:geografija, zgodovina geografije, Klavdij Ptolemaj, Geografski priročnik, horografija, Almagest, Tetrabiblos
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140316 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Ptolemy's understanding of geography
This thesis describes the way in which Claudius Ptolemy perceived geography. It presents all the information known about Ptolemy's life - most of it from the text of Ptolemy's treatises, but some from the commentaries of scholars who lived at the same time as Ptolemy. The contents of the Geography are presented in more detail. Almagest and Tetrabiblos, that are not related to the thesis topic, are also mentioned, since Ptolemy uses certain methods in his research that are described in these two books. Ptolemy equated geography with cartography, however differentiated between geography and chorography. Both are concerned with describing the known world; the former focuses on the general features of the world, while the latter focuses on specific parts or regions of the world and describes it in more detail. Ptolemy's discoveries were widely accepted for centuries, until new findings challenged Ptolemy's theories.

Keywords:Claudius Ptolemy, Geography, chorography, history of geography, Almagest, Tetrabiblos

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