
Tehnološki ukrepi za zmanjševanje obsega poškodb v intenzivnih sadovnjakih zaradi marmorirane smrdljivke (Halyomorpha halys Stal)
ID Grabrijan, Katja (Author), ID Veberič, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Marmorirana smrdljivka (Halyomorpha halys [Stål]) je pomemben polifagni škodljivec iz družine ščitastih stenic. Izvira iz območja vzhodne Azije, od koder se je razširila drugod po svetu. Leta 2004 se je prvič pojavila v Evropi, trinajst let pozneje pa tudi v Sloveniji, v okolici Nove Gorice, od koder se je razširila v preostali del države. Škodo med drugim povzroča tudi na sadnem drevju, kot so jablana, hruška, breskev, aktinidija, kaki in leska. Za zatiranje marmorirane smrdljivke in posledično zmanjšanje obsega poškodb, ki jih ta stenica povzroča, je možno uporabiti kemične snovi, vendar je uporaba vprašljiva, predvsem zaradi mobilnosti in polifagnosti stenice ter možnega pojava rezistence na aktivne snovi v insekticidih. Uporaba tehnoloških ukrepov se je izkazala kot učinkovita in okolju prijaznejša rešitev. Gre za uporabo mrež, ki so tako gosto pletena, da marmorirani smrdljivki preprečijo dostop do sadnih rastlin, uporabo eteričnih olj, ki delujejo kot odvračala, metodo privabi in ubij (angl. attract and kill), pri kateri je glavni namen stenico zvabiti na določeno območje in jo nato zatreti ter metodo privabilnih posevkov (angl. trap cropping), kjer se poslužujemo rastlin, s katerimi želimo smrdljivko odvrniti od glavne rastline. Poleg omenjenega obstaja tudi biotično varstvo, pri katerem se za zatiranje smrdljivke uporabljajo predvsem parazitoidi jajčec, plenilci in entopomatogeni organizmi.

Keywords:marmorirana smrdljivka, Halyomorpha halys, tehnološki ukrepi, intenzivni sadovnjaki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140277 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:125522179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Technological measures for damage control of brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys Stal) in intensive orchards
Brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys [Stål]) is an important polyphagous pest of the Pentatomidae family. It is native to East Asia, from where it spread around the world. Its first appearance in Europe was recorded in 2004 and thirteen years later in Slovenia, near Nova Gorica. Among other important plants, brown marmorated stink bug causes damage on fruit trees, such as apple, pear, peach, kiwi, persimmon and hazel. Chemical control can be used to manage the stink bug and consequently reduce the damage, but its use is questionable, mainly because of mobility and polyphagous nature of the stink bug and also because of the possibility of resistance to the active compounds. The use of technological measures has proven to be an effective and more environmentally friendly solution. This includes the use of exclusion nets, woven so tightly that the stink bug is prevented from accessing fruit trees, essential oils, which act as repellents, the "attract and kill" method, where the main aim is to lure stink bug to an area and then kill it, and trap cropping, where certain plants are used to attract the stink bug, so they stay away from the main plant. In addition, there is also a possibility of biological control, which mainly uses egg parasitoids, predators and enthomopathogens to control this pest.

Keywords:brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, technological meausures, intensive orchards

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