
Vpliv kognitivnega treninga na kognitivno funkcioniranje odrasle osebe po nezgodni poškodbi glave v postakutnem obdobju
ID Vogrinec, Nives (Author), ID Jerman, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7352/ This link opens in a new window

Poškodba glave je za posameznika, njegove najbližje in za strokovnjake, ki z osebo delajo, velik zalogaj. Širok spekter fizičnih in psihičnih posledic, ki pogosto ostajajo trajne, pomanjkljivo razvite metode dela in dejstvo, da je vsak bolnik po poškodbi glave drugačen, pomenijo izziv za načrtovanje obravnave. Zaradi kompleksnosti in variabilnosti možnih primanjkljajev, ki mnogokrat spremljajo posameznika vse življenje, lahko ostanejo mnogi izmed njih neprepoznani. Omenjena problematika od strokovnjakov zahteva multidisciplinarno znanje za ocenjevanje posameznikovih zmožnosti in potreb ter usmerjeno delo s ciljem premagovanja primanjkljajev in kompenzacijo šibkih in močnih področij. Vse več je raziskav, ki pričajo o učinkovitosti kognitivnih treningov kot o pristopu, ki ne pripomore le k izboljšanju kognitivnega, temveč tudi funkcionalnega delovanja. Magistrsko delo je zasnovano kot študija primera, katere predmet je specialnopedagoška obravnava odrasle osebe po nezgodni poškodbi glave v postakutnem obdobju. V študiji sta bila izvedena ocenjevanje kognitivnega funkcioniranja osebe in izpeljava kognitivnega treninga. Namen raziskave je bil preko uporabe instrumentarijev, ki so dostopni specialnim in rehabilitacijskim pedagogom, preučiti, na kakšen način lahko s specifičnim večdomenskim kognitivnim treningom spomina, pozornosti, vizualnih zaznav, jezika in izvršilnih funkcij izboljšamo rezultate omenjenih domen kognitivnega funkcioniranja ter pripomoremo k uporabi kompenzatornih strategij pri vključeni osebi. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali izboljšanje vizualnega in slušnega spomina, odloženega priklica, slušne pozornosti, vzdrževane pozornosti ter mehaničnega besednega zaklada. Po opravljenem treningu smo zaznali uporabo pri testirancu prej neobstoječih kompenzatornih strategij, kot so vizualno predstavljanje verbalno podanih informacij, verbalno opisovanje vizualnih podob in uporaba ustaljenega načrta za zapomnitev informacij.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140260 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120827907 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of cognitive training on adult cognitive functioning after accidental head injury in the post-acute period
A head injury is a difficult challenge for an individual, their close ones and for professionals, who work with the person. The wide range of physical and psychological consequences, which are often permanent, underdeveloped methods of work and the fact that each patient is different, pose a great challenge for choosing the right treatment. Given the complexity and variability of possible deficiencies that often accompany an individual throughout their life, many of them may remain unrecognized. This issue requires multidisciplinary knowledge in the assessment of individuals’ abilities and needs, as well as a focused treatment to overcome their deficiencies and compensate their strong and weak points. There is a growing number of researches that testify to the effectiveness of cognitive training as an approach, which helps to improve cognitive abilities as well as essential life skills. Our research is designed as a case study, the subject of which is a special educational provision of an adult after a traumatic head injury in the post-acute period. In the present study, the assessment of a person's cognitive functioning and the implementation of cognitive training were performed. The purpose of the research was to use the tools applicable to special and rehabilitation educators in order to examine the effects of specific multi-domain cognitive training of memory, attention, visual perception, language and executive functions, on mentioned cognitive spheres. We also focused on the alternation of using different compensatory strategies in the person involved. The results of the study showed improvements in visual and auditory memory, delayed recall memory, auditory attention, maintained attention and mechanical vocabulary. After the training, we detected the use of previously non-existent compensatory strategies in the test subject, such as visual presentation of the verbally given information, verbal description of visual images and the use of a standardized scheme for memorizing information.


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