
Zgodovina osebnih računalnikov na Slovenskem : začetki zgodovine osebnih računalnikov v osemdesetih in danes : diplomsko delo
ID Simonič, Tara Maja (Author), ID Balkovec, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo predstavlja zgodovino osebnih računalnikov na Slovenskem. Delo raziskuje predvsem zgodovino osebnih računalnikov v osemdesetih, ki je vmeščena v širši zgodovinski kontekst, od prvih začetkov računalništva do danes. Začne se s splošnim orisom svetovne zgodovine računalnikov, kjer so predstavljeni ključni izumi in dogodki, ki so oblikovali tok računalniške zgodovine. V nadaljevanju se posveti zgodovini osebnih računalnikov, ki se začne z opredelitvijo pojma, nadaljuje s pregledom zgodovine osebnih računalnikov in zaključi s pomenom in namenom osebnih računalnikov. Temu sledi slovenska zgodovina osebnih računalnikov, ki najprej razjasni politično situacijo, kot osnovo za razumevanje fenomena tihotapljenja računalnikov iz tujine v Jugoslavijo. Na kratko je opisana zgodovina računalnikov na širšem območju Jugoslavije, ki ji sledi zgodovina računalnikov na Slovenskem. Začne se s predstavitvijo računalniške kulture, kjer so opisani boji med »Spectrumaši« in »Commodorjevci.« Predstavljeni so popularni računalniki tujih proizvajalcev, ki jih je bilo v osemdesetih mogoče najti na Slovenskem. Med njih spadajo Commodorjevi, Sinclarovi in Atarijevi računalniki. Temu sledi predstavitev domačih proizvajalcev računalnikov, med katerimi je zagotovo najbolj znana Iskra Delta, ki je izdelala tudi osebna računalnika Iskra Delta Triglav in Iskra Delta Partner. Po razpadu Jugoslavije je na kratko predstavljen napredek osebnih računalnikov in ostale računalniške opreme od devetdesetih do danes. V okviru tega je opisan tudi klicni internet. Na koncu so predstavljeni rezultati ankete, ki se je izvajala v okviru diplomske naloge. V okviru ankete z naslovom Prvi osebnih računalnik, sta bila med drugim raziskana namen nakupa in čas varčevanja za prvi osebni računalnik. Posebna pozornost je bila namenjena tistim, ki so svoj prvi računalnik kupili v osemdesetih, saj so lahko navedli katero znamko računalnika so takrat kupili.

Keywords:Osebni računalnik, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Iskra Delta Triglav, Iskra Delta Partner
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140134 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:History of personal computers in Slovenia : the beginnings of the history of personal computers in the eighties and today
Undergraduate thesis attempts to present history of personal computers. The work mainly explores the history of personal computers in the 1980s, which is placed in a wider historical context, from the first beginnings of computing to the present day. It begins with a general outline of the world's history of computers, presenting the key inventions and events that shaped the course of computer history. It continues with history of personal computers, which begins with definition of the term, continues with the overview of the history of personal computers, and concludes with the meaning and purpose of personal computers. This is followed by the Slovenian history of personal computers, which first clarifies the political situation, as a basis for understanding the phenomenon of smuggling computers from abroad into Yugoslavia. The history of computers in the wider area of Yugoslavia is then briefly described and followed by the history of computers in Slovenia. It begins with a presentation of computer culture, where the battles between "Spectrumaši" and "Commodorjevci" are described. Popular computers of foreign manufacturers, which could be found in Slovenia in the 1980s, are presented as well. These include Commodore, Sinclair and Atari computers. This is followed by a presentation of domestic computer manufacturers, of which Iskra Delta is certainly the most famous. Among it's famous products are also personal computers Iskra Delta Triglav and Iskra Delta Partner. After the ending of Yugoslavia, the progress of personal computers and other computer equipment from the 1990s to today is briefly presented. Dial-up Internet is described in this context as well. At the end, the results of the survey, which was carried out as part of the diploma thesis, are presented. As part of the survey entitled First personal computer, among other things, the purpose of purchase and the time to save for the first personal computer were investigated. Special attention was given to those who bought their first computer in the 1980s, as they were able to indicate which brand of computer they bought at that time.

Keywords:Personal computer, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Iskra Delta Triglav, Iskra Delta Partner

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