
Doživljanje študija na daljavo med študentkami na Fakulteti za socialno delo : diplomsko delo
ID Belaj, Stella (Author), ID Videmšek, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu obravnavam tematiko doživljanja študija na daljavo med študentkami na Fakulteti za socialno delo. Zanima me, kako so študentke doživljale študij na daljavo, kako so se spremenile vsakodnevne rutine v času covida-19, s kakšnimi izzivi so se soočale in kako se je skozi epidemijo spremenil odnos študentk do njih samih in drugih. V raziskavo so vkljucˇene študentke Fakultete za socialno delo, ki sem jih pridobila na podlagi neslučajnostnega vzorca. V teoreticˇnem uvodu se najprej osredotočim na epidemijo covida-19 in ukrepe države, ki so relevantni za študente. Nato se osredotočim na vpliv, ki ga je epidemija imela na študijski proces, na sindrom utrujenosti od Zooma in na doživljanje študijskega procesa na daljavo glede na spol. V nadaljevanju opredelim duševno zdravje in ga povežem še z epidemijo covida-19. Nadaljujem z vsakodnevnim življenjem v času epidemije in teoretični uvod zaključim s socialnim delom v izrednih razmerah. Empirični del zajema predstavitev raziskovalnega problema z raziskovalnimi vprašanji in metodologijo. Sledijo rezultati, razprava in sklepi. Z raziskavo sem ugotovila, da je bilo doživljanje študija na daljavo sprva sproščeno in razbremenjujoče, čez čas pa je postalo stresno in monotono. Profesorji so bili na začetku študija na daljavo izgubljeni in neorganizirani, kasneje so postali bolj organizirani. Študentke so imele v času prvega zaprtja države veliko energije, v času drugega zaprtja pa so bile vse sodelujoče brez energije in so imele občutek, da je njihovo življenje monotono. Nekatere študentke so imele v času zaprtja svojo sobo, spet druge so bile brez mirnega prostora. V času epidemije so se študentke osredotočile na osebnostno rast, mir in čas zase. Vse študentke so stike med epidemijo vzdrževale prek spletnih platform. V času zaprtja so vse doživljale duševne stike v različnih oblikah. Soočale so se s paničnimi napadi, jokom, depresijo, osamljenostjo in utesnjenostjo.

Keywords:študij na daljavo, epidemija covida-19, doživljanje, občutki, izzivi, rutine, odnosi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Belaj]
Number of pages:61 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140093 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:139899651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Perceptions of remote learning among female students at the Faculty of Social Work
The diploma thesis addresses the perceptions of remote learning among female students at the Faculty of Social Work. I wanted to explore how female students experienced remote learning, how their daily routines changed during the COVID-19 epidemic, what challenges they encountered, and how their relationship with themselves and with others changed throughout the epidemic. The participants in the research were female students from the Faculty of Social Work that were selected based on a non-probability sample. In the theoretical part I first focused on the COVID-19 epidemic and on the state’s measures that were relevant for higher education students. This part is followed by the analysis of the impact that the epidemic had on the learning process, of the Zoom fatigue syndrome and of the perception of remote learning based on sex. Furthermore, I defined mental health and how the COVID-19 epidemic affected it. I also addressed the topic of everyday life during the epidemic and concluded the theoretical introduction with an analysis of social work in emergency situations. The empirical part includes a presentation of the research problem, the research questions and the applied methodology. This is followed by the results, the discussion and conclusions. The research shows that at first remote learning was perceived as relaxing and relieving, however, with time it became stressful and monotonous. When remote learning was first introduced, professors were disoriented and unorganized, however, as time passed, they became more organized. The female students reported to have had high levels of energy during the first lockdown, whereas during the second lockdown all participating students had very low levels of energy and felt that their life was monotonous. During the lockdown some female students had their own rooms, while others didn’t have access to a quiet space. They focused on their personal growth and peace, as well as on taking time for themselves. During the epidemic all the female students who participated in the research kept in contact with other people through online platforms. During the lockdown they all experienced different forms of psychological distress. They experienced panic attacks, crying spells, depression, loneliness and anxiety.

Keywords:remote learning, COVID-19 epidemic, perception, feelings, challenges, routines, relationships

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