
Oblikovanje vizualne identitete za festival Gora Rocka
ID Kenda, Neja (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu smo oblikovali novo vizualno identiteto festivala Gora Rocka za leto 2023. Vse informacije, ki jih želimo predati opazovalcu, lahko oblikujemo s pomočjo različnih grafičnih elementov, s katerimi omogočamo vizualno privlačnejša sporočila. Kampanjo smo adaptirali na različne medije, ki so ključni del uspešne promocije festivala, saj skozi to lahko dosežemo in informiramo ciljno občinstvo. Namen diplomskega dela je bil oblikovanje nove vizualne identitete festivala Gora Rocka, zato smo želeli ustvariti kampanjo, ki bi se razlikovala od preteklih let in hkrati obdržati vse temeljne značilnosti organizacije. V teoretičnem delu je s pomočjo različnih literaturnih virov opredeljen pomen vizualnega načina komuniciranja podjetja s širšim občinstvom ter njihovo oglaševanje po različnih medijih. Izpostavili smo pomembne elemente, ki so ključnega pomena pri oblikovanju novih podob in težave, ki nastanejo, če jih ne uporabljamo skladno z vizualnimi načeli. Opisali smo tudi najpogosteje uporabljene medije, ki jih festival uporablja za oglaševanje. V eksperimentalnem delu je predstavljen zgodovinski pregled nastanka festivala, pri katerem smo razčlenili celostno grafično podobo organizacije. V nadaljevanju smo z namenom, da pridobimo smernice za oblikovanje nove vizualne identitete, analizirali pretekle kampanje, ki jih je festival uporabljal za svojo promocijo. V zadnjem sklopu poglavja smo predstavili proces oblikovanja in uporabljene elemente, s katerimi se bo festival ponašal. Rezultate analize dosedanjih vizualnih podob festivala smo za ustrezno primerjavo kampanj med seboj razčlenili na več lastnosti, in sicer na kompozicijo, barvno paleto, tipografijo, umeščenost logotipa, ozadje ter barvo glavnega besedila. Pri oblikovanju smo poleg rezultatov analize preteklih let upoštevali tudi rezultate, ki smo jih pridobili z anketo. Ti so nam bili v pomoč pri spreminjanju vizualne identitete.

Keywords:festival Gora Rocka, komunikacijska kampanja, medij, oglaševanje, vizualna identiteta
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140092 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2022
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Title:Visual identity design for festival Gora Rocka
In our thesis, we have designed a new visual identity for festival Gora Rocka in 2023. All the information we want to convey to the observer can be designed using different graphic elements to make the messages more visually appealing. We have adapted the campaign to different media, which is a key part of the successful promotion of the festival, as it is through this that we can reach and inform the target audience. The aim of the thesis was to create a new visual identity for festival Gora Rocka. Therefore, we wanted to create a campaign that would be different from the previous years, but at the same time we wanted to keep all the core features of the organisation. The theoretical part of the project defines, with the help of various literature sources, the importance of the visual way in which companies communicate with a wider audience and how they advertise through different media. We have highlighted the important elements that are crucial in the creation of new images and the problems that arise if these are not used in accordance with visual principles. We also described the most commonly used media used by the Festival for advertising. In the experimental part, a historical overview of the creation of the festival is presented, in which we have analysed the overall graphic image of the organisation. We then analysed the past campaigns used by the festival to promote itself, with the aim of obtaining guidelines for the design of a new visual identity. In the last part of the chapter, we presented the design process and the elements used to make the festival proud. The analysis results of the festival's visual image so far have been broken down into multiple features, namely composition, colour palette, typography, the position of the logotype, background and the colour of the main text for adequate comparison. Alongside the results of the past analyses, the results gained by the survey were also considered in the design process. These were helpful in changing the visual identity.

Keywords:advertising, communication campaign, Gora Rocka festival, medium, visual identity

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