
Ocena strižne nosilnosti preklad obstoječih krajših armiranobetonskih mostov : magistrsko delo
ID Gošte, Neža (Author), ID Isaković, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kreslin, Maja (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi smo ocenjevali strižno nosilnost preklad obstoječih armiranobetonskih premostitvenih objektov. Osredotočili smo se na krajše mostove s prekladami iz T-nosilcev. Glede na to, da so ocene strižnega odziva z obstoječimi modeli običajno manj zanesljive, smo se odločili da strižno nosilnost obravnavanih T-nosilcev ocenimo na več načinov in rezultate teh ocen primerjamo, s ciljem, da ugotovimo kakšni postopki so primerni za takšno vrsto konstrukcij. V ta namen smo preučili pet različnih modelov, trenutno veljavni standard EC2, nova verzija standarda EC2, ki bo vključena v drugo generacijo Evrokodov, trenutno veljavni standard EC8-3, nekdanje predpise za projektiranje armiranobetonskih konstrukcij PBAB in splošno teorijo za oceno strižnega odziva (MCFT – angl. The Modified Compression Field Theory). Po vseh modelih smo izračunali strižno nosilnost preklad dveh obstoječih armiranobetonskih mostov, ki sta bila predhodno pregledana in je bila ugotovljena dejanska količina in oblika vgrajene strižne in upogibne armature. Rezultate, ki smo jih dobili z različnimi modeli, smo med sabo primerjali in analizirali vzroke za razlike med njimi. Analizirali smo vpliv značilnih parametrov na strižno nosilnost T-nosilcev in ugotovili kateri izmed uporabljenih postopkov so primerni v obravnavanih primerih.

Keywords:Strižna nosilnost, mostovi, primerjava modelov, Evrokod 2, Evrokod 8-3, PBAB, MCFT
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Gošte]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140083 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:125859075 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Estimation of the shear capacity of decks in existing shorter reinforced concrete bridges : master's thesis
The master thesis deals with evaluating shear capacity of decks in existing reinforced concrete bridges. We focused on shorter bridges with T-beams. Shear response assessment with existing models are usually less reliable. Given that, we decided to evaluate shear capacity of considered T-beams in several ways and compare results in order to find out what procedures are suitable for this type of construction. For this purpose, we examined five different models, the currently valid Eurocode 2, the new version of the Eurocode 2 that will be included in the second generation of Eurocodes, the currently valid Eurocode 8-3, the former regulations for the design of reinforced concrete structures PBAB and The modified compression field theory (MCFT). According to all the models, we calculated shear capacity of decks of two existing reinforced concrete bridges, which were previously inspected and the actual amount and shape of the installed shear and bending reinforcement was determined. We compared the results obtained with different models and analyzed the causes of the differences between them. We analyzed the influence of typical parameters on the shear capacity of T-beams and determined which of the used procedures are suitable in considered cases.

Keywords:Shear capacity, bridges, model comparison, Eurocode 2, Eurocode 8-3, PBAB, MCFT

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