
Razvojno vrednotenje palice za dvigovanje uteži
ID Poropat, Zvane (Author), ID Nagode, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Oman, Simon (Comentor)

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Cilj zaključnega dela je dimenzioniranje, modeliranje ter analiza napetosti in deformacij v konstrukciji. Najprej smo palico oblikovali, poiskali rešitve za različne delne funkcije in jo nato modelirali. Po izdelavi CAD-modela smo opravili analizo napetosti. Palico smo obravnavali kot mirujočo os. Analizo smo naredili na dva načina in rezultate primerjali. Prvi način je eksperimentalni in smo ga opravili s pomočjo programske opreme Solidworks. Palico smo pomrežili in določili napetostno-deformacijska stanja v njej po metodi končnih elementov. Drugi način je klasična analitična metoda. Iz statičnega modela palice smo po standardu izračunali notranja stanja palice in drugih elementov. Na koncu smo obe metodi primerjali in ugotovili, kakšne so razlike in odstopanja v rezultatih.

Keywords:mirujoča os, 3D, metoda končnih elementov, napetost, konstruiranje
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Z. Poropat]
Number of pages:XII, 28 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140068 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:124486915 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Development evaluation of weightlifting barbell
The aim of this thesis is the design, modeling as well as the analysis of stress and structural deformation. The weightlifting barbell was designed and the solutions for different functions were provided. After having designed the weightlifting barbell and provided the solutions for different functions, a Solidwork model was made. After CAD modeling, stress analyis was performed. Weightlifting barbell was then treated as a stationary axis. Two analysis methods were adopted and the results were then compared. The experimental method was performed in Solidworks software. The barbell mesh was then generated and stress deformation was determined with finite element method. The second method adopted was a classical analytical method. A static barbell model was used to calculate internal barbell forces and stress and other elements. Finally, the results of both methods were compared and the differences and deviations established.

Keywords:stationary axis, 3D, finite element method, stress, design

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