In my master's thesis I focus on the topic of dysfunctional family, which I understand mainly through the prism of domestic violence. The first part is outlined theoretically: in it I ask what the family means today, what are its definitions and what roles it plays, what the plurality of family life means and what social changes have caused this pluralism in Europe and Slovenia. In what follows, I focus on the dysfunctional family, and within that, on the violence that can take place in such a family. I explain what this kind of violence means, what forms we know, and I focus more on intimate partner violence and violence against children. I explain the impact of pathological family relationships on children and the consequences they face. The following is an analysis of selected novels (Slavenka Drakulić: Obtožena, Suzana Tratnik: Ime mi je Damjan, Jani Virk: Brez imena). I am interested in dysfunctional relationships in families, in what forms they occur and their impact on literary figures. I pay special attention to the analysis of parental characters (mother and father) and the main literary figure (child). At the narrative level, in addition to the literary person, I am interested in the narrative itself and its elements.