
Izzivi študentov v času epidemije COVID-19 : magistrsko delo
ID Palhartinger-Perc, Liza (Author), ID Rihter, Liljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Osrednja tema magistrskega dela so izzivi, s katerimi so se spoprijemali študenti v času epidemije covid-19. Ključni del uvoda je predstavitev epidemije nalezljive bolezni covid-19, sprejeti ukrepi za zajezitev in preprečevanje bolezni, kot tudi predstavitev položaja študentov v Sloveniji in relevantnih življenjskih področij, v katere je posegala epidemija. Raziskava je bila kvalitativna, empirična in eksplorativna. Vzorec v moji raziskavi je bil neslučajnosten in priročen, sestavljalo ga je 10 študentov. Z raziskavo sem zbirala besedne opise o izkušnjah in izzivih študentov v času epidemije covid-19 ter kako je epidemija po njihovem mnenju vplivala na različna področja njihovega življenja. Ključna področja mojega raziskovanja so bila izobraževanje, delo in finančni položaj, bivanjska situacija, duševno zdravje, prosti čas in socialna mreža študentov v času epidemije. Področje izobraževanja se je v času epidemije korenito spremenilo, saj se je izvajalo prek spleta. Zadovoljstvo študentov s tovrstnim študijem je bilo različno, saj so nanj vplivale številne okoliščine. Odvisno je bilo od ustreznosti načina izvajanja študija, številčnosti in kompleksnosti sprememb oziroma ovir, s katerimi so se študenti na tem področju spoprijemali. Največ ovir so na področju študija opazili pri organizaciji študija, ovirali pa so jih tudi lasten pogled na študij, pomanjkanje motivacije in povečan obseg dela. Velika sprememba, ki je vplivala na položaj študentov v družbi, se je zgodila na področju dela. Mnogi študenti so zaradi epidemije izgubili svoja dela oziroma se je obseg njihovega dela občutno zmanjšal. Zaradi okrnjene ponudbe prostih študentskih del so se mnogi znašli v finančni stiski, pri tem so jim najpogosteje pomagali njihovi starši, nekaterim pa je bila v pomoč tudi državna štipendija. Študentom je bil v času epidemije na voljo solidarnostni dodatek, a je bila višina oziroma pogostost pomoči za večino nezadostna. Izzivi na področju dela in financ pa so posegali tudi v bivanjsko situacijo študentov. Večina študentov je v času epidemije živela s svojimi starši. Nekateri so pri njih živeli že prej, drugi pa so se zaradi nezmožnosti kritja lastnih stroškov in negotovih bivanjskih razmer morali preseliti k njim ob začetku epidemije. Bivanjske razmere nekaterih so bile med epidemijo neustrezne, študenti so si predvsem želeli več miru in zasebnosti ter več lastnega prostora. Epidemija je posegala v prosti čas študentov, saj je bilo preživljanje časa zaradi takrat veljavnih ukrepov zelo omejeno. Številni so imeli več prostega časa, ki so ga preživljali doma ali v naravi, z družino in z izvajanjem aktivnosti, ki jih osrečujejo. Navsezadnje je epidemija posegala tudi v medosebne odnose študentov, saj so morali stike z drugimi ohranjati zgolj na daljavo. A mnogi s stiki med epidemijo niso bili zadovoljni, saj so zaradi površinskih, nezanimivih in monotonih pogovorov pogrešali osebni stik, ki ga ni bilo možno nadomestiti s komuniciranjem na daljavo. Omenjene spremembe na različnih življenjskih področjih so bistveno vplivale tudi na duševno zdravje študentov, saj je bilo njihovo počutje med epidemijo slabše.

Keywords:izzivi, študenti, mladi, socialno-ekonomski položaj, epidemija, covid-19
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Palhartinger - Perc]
Number of pages:222 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139976 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:139097859 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Challenges Students Faced During COVID-19 Epidemic
The main topic of this master's thesis are the challenges students faced during the COVID-19 epidemic. The main focus of the theoretical part are the definitions of the infectious disease COVID-19, the measures that were established to prevent the spread of the disease, as well as the presentation of the socio-economical status of students in Slovenia and how it was impacted by the epidemic. The research was qualitative, empirical and exploratory. The sample in my research consisted of ten students. It was nonprobability and convenience sampling. In the research, I gathered descriptions of the experiences and challenges students faced during the COVID-19 epidemic and how the epidemic, in their opinion, affected different areas of their lives. The key areas of my research were students education, work, financial and living situation, mental health, relationships and leisure. Education has changed radically during epidemic, as it was conducted online. Students' satisfaction with education varied, as it was influenced by a number of circumstances. Most of the challenges that the students faced during their studies were linked to the organization and their perception of online education, as well as the lack of their motivation and increased workload. Work has significantly affected the socio-economical status of students during epidemic. Many students lost their jobs, furthermore the amount of work had majorly decreased. Due to the reduced demand of student work, many found themselves in financial distress, Research shows that most of them sought financial help from their parents, some mitigated their financial distress with state scholarship. At the time of the epidemic, a solidarity allowance was available to students, but it was insufficient. Epidemic also affected the living situation of students. Most students lived with their parents during the epidemic. Some of them had lived with them before, while others had to move back home at the beginning of the epidemic due to the inability to cover the cost of expenses and due to the precarious living conditions. Some of the students' living conditions were inadequate. The research shows that these students wanted more peace and privacy,, as well as more living space. The epidemic also affected students' leisure time, as their time was very limited due to the COVID-19 measures. Many had more free time, which they spent with their families at home and in the nature. Some occupied themselves with activities that make them happy. Last but not least, the epidemic also affected students' interpersonal relationships, as they had to maintain contact with others only at distance. But many were dissatisfied with contacts during the epidemic, as they lacked personal contact due to superficial, uninteresting and monotonous conversations, which could not be replaced by long-distance communication. Lastly, these changes in various areas of life also had a significant impact on the mental health of students, as their well-being deteriorated during the epidemic.

Keywords:challenges, students, young adults, students socio-economic status, epidemic, covid-19

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