
Težavno veselje: Interpretacije izbranih romanov Clarice Lispector iz perspektive filozofije Friedricha Nietzscheja
ID Šraml, Maša (Author), ID Kos, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga obravnava tematske podobnosti med izbranimi romani brazilske pisateljice Clarice Lispector (1920–1977) in nekaterimi koncepti in teorijami nemškega filozofa Friedricha Nietzscheja (1844–1990). Ne poskuša preučiti možnosti neposrednega ali posrednega vpliva Nietzschejeve filozofije na literaturo Clarice Lispector, saj za takšno navezavo nisem odkrila nobenih predpostavk. Namesto tega se osredotoča na branje treh romanov Clarice Lispector skozi optiko nietzschejanske misli. Nietzschejevemu razumevanju umetnosti kot metafizični dejavnosti življenja in volji do moči kot bistvu življenja se približuje roman Blizu neukročenega srca (Perto do coração selvagem, 1943). Ideja o ljubezni do lastne usode, ki jo je Nietzsche imenoval amor fati, je na presenetljiv način uprizorjena v romanu Čas zvezde (A hora da estrela, 1977). Z Nietzschejevo kritiko krščanstva in posledičnimi koncepti o prevrednotenju vseh vrednot, večnem vračanju enakega, nadčloveku in mislimi onstran dobrega in zlega se odpre prostor za natančnejšo interpretacijo romana Pasijon po G. H. (A paixão segundo G.H., 1964). Nietzschejeva filozofija se izkaže kot ustrezna sopotnica pri poglabljanju v mistične razsežnosti obravnavanih romanov brazilske pisateljice, saj omogoči osvetlitev pomenljivih vsebinskih aspektov, ki bi sicer lahko ostali v ozadju.

Keywords:literatura in filozofija, latinskoameriška književnost, brazilski roman, Clarice Lispector, Friedrich Nietzsche
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139959 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120832771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2022
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Title:Difficult joy: Interpretations of selected novels by Clarice Lispector from the perspective of Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy
The present master's thesis exposes thematic similarities between selected novels of the Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector (1920–1977) with certain concepts and theories of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1990). It does not try to examine the possibility of neither direct nor indirect influence of Nietzschean philosophy on Lispector's literature, as I have not discovered any proof of such impact. It rather focuses on the reading of three Lispector's novels through the lens of Nietzschean thought. Nietzsche's understanding of art as a metaphysical activity of life and the will to power as the essence of life can be found in the novel Near to the Wild Heart (Perto do coração selvagem, 1943). The idea of love for one's own fate, which Nietzsche called amor fati, is present in a surprising way in the novel The Hour of the Star (A hora da estrela, 1977). With Nietzsche's criticism of Christianity and the resulting concepts of the revaluation of all values, the eternal return of the same, the overman, and thoughts about beyond good and evil, the space opens up for a more precise interpretation of the novel Passion according to G.H. (A paixão segundo G.H., 1964). Nietzsche's philosophy proves to be a suitable companion when delving into the mystical dimensions of the three Lispector's novels, as it enables the illumination of meaningful aspects of the content which might otherwise remain in the background.

Keywords:literature and philosophy, Latin American literature, Brazilian novel, Clarice Lispector, Friedrich Nietzsche

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