
Podobnosti in razlike v fiziološkem odzivu na kratkotrajno srednje intenzivno dinamično vadbo pri različnih dihalnih vzorcih : magistrsko delo
ID Stanković, Kaja (Author), ID Potočnik, Nejka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kacin, Alan (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Dihalni sistem ima ključno vlogo pri vzdrževanju vitalnih človeških procesov. Skupaj s srčno-žilnim in centralnim živčnim sistemom je odgovoren za vse procese, povezane z oksigenacijo in hemodinamiko. Njegova posebnost je, da nanj vpliva tudi gibanje telesa, še posebej če gre za periodično gibanje. V dihanje lahko posegamo hoteno, z vsiljevanjem frekvence ali z uporabo dihalnih vzorcev, s katerimi spreminjamo upor v dihalnih poteh. Učinki različnih moduliranih vzorcev dihanja na fiziološki odziv telesa med obremenitvijo niso dobro raziskani. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, kako uporaba določenega vzorca dihanja med srednje intenzivno telesno vadbo na cikloergometru vpliva na fiziološke prilagoditve telesa na napor ter kakšno je subjektivno zaznavanje napora. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 26 mladih zdravih preiskovancev. Po osnovnih meritvah smo izvedli raziskovalni protokol (5 - minut mirovanje, 5 - minut obremenitev na cikloergometru ter 10 - minut mirovanje), ki smo ga ponovili trikrat, vsakič z uporabo naključno izbranega dihalnega vzorca: spontan izdih, izdih z odprtimi usti ter izdih s priprtimi usti. Frekvence dihanja nismo vsiljevali. S sistemom Cosmed Quark CPET smo spremljali srčno frekvenco, dihalni volumen, frekvenco dihanja, porabo kisika, izdihan ogljikov dioksid ter izpeljane parametre. Po končanih meritvah so preiskovanci ocenili občutek napora. Za statistične razlike smo upoštevali vrednosti p<0,05. Rezultati: Dokazali smo ujemanje frekvence dihanja s frekvenco vrtenja pedal pri vseh treh vzorcih dihanja. Pri izdihu z uporom smo pri lokomotorno-respiracijskem ujemanju 1:3 ugotovili tudi najnižjo porabo kisika. Ugotovili smo statistično značilno nižjo frekvenco srčnega utripa med vadbo ter manjši primanjkljaj kisika po obremenitvi pri moduliranih vzorcih dihanja. Pri ostalih merjenih parametrih bistvenih sprememb med naporom in po njem pri različnih vzorcih dihanja nismo zaznali. Kot najmanj naporen je bil izbran spontan vzorec dihanja. Razprava in zaključek: Kažejo se ugodni vplivi na učinkovitost dihanja pri izdihu s povečanim uporom, vendar je bila intenzivnost obremenitve prenizka, da bi dokazali statistično pomembne razlike. Ugotovitve so spodbudne za nadaljnje raziskovanje. Sprva bi želeli odpraviti omejitev raziskave in sicer bi preiskovancem izmerili maksimalno aerobno zmogljivost pred pričetkom preiskave in glede na njo določili individualno submaksimalno obremenitev. Raziskavo bi razširili na različne populacije pacientov.

Keywords:magistrska dela, fizioterapija, vzorci dihanja, respiratorni sistem, srčno-žilni sistem, lokomotorno-respiracijsko ujemanje, vadba
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Stanković]
Number of pages:56 str., [3] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139955 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120846851 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Similarities and differences in the physiological response to short-term moderate dynamic aerobic exercise in different breathing patterns : master thesis
Introduction: The respiratory system plays a key role in maintaining vital human processes and together with the cardiovascular and central nervous systems is responsible for all processes related to oxygenation and hemodynamics. It is also affected by the movement of the body, especially if the movement is periodic. We can interfere breathing, by forcing respiratory frequency or by using breathing patterns, with which we change the pressure in breathing airways. The effects of different modulated breathing patterns on the physiological response of the body during exercise are not well researched. Purpose: The aim of this study was to establish how the use of a certain breathing pattern during medium-intensity exercise on a cycloergometer affects the physiological responses of the body and what is the subjective perception of that effort. Methods: The study included 26 young healthy subjects. After basic measurements, we performed a research protocol (5 min rest, 5 min cycling ergometer and 10 min rest), which was repeated three times, each time using a randomly selected breathing pattern: spontaneous breathing, exhalation with open mouth and exhalation with pursed mouth. We did not impose respiratory rates. With the Cosmed Quark CPET system, we monitored heart rate, tidal volume, respiratory rate, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, and derived parameters. Afterwards, participants assesed their perception of exertion. Values p<0.05 were considered for statistical differences. Results: Analysis showed the entrainment of breathing and cycling in all three breathing patterns. When exhaling with resistance, we also found the lowest oxygen consumption at a locomotor-respiratory coupling of 1:3. We found a statistically significantly lower heart rate during exercise and lower oxygen deficit after exercise in modulated breathing patterns. For the other measured parameters, no significant changes during and after exertion were observed. The least difficult breathing pattern to perform was spontaneous. Discussion and conclusion: Our results indicate beneficial effects of breathing with increased airway resistance, but the load intensity was too low to demonstrate statistically significant differences. The findings are encouraging for further research. Some of the limitations of the present study must be eliminated; first, we would measure the maximum aerobic capacity of the subjects before the start of the study, based on which we would then determine the individual submaximal load. The research would be extended to different patient populations.

Keywords:master's theses, physiotherapy, breathing patterns, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, locomotor-respiratory coupling, exercise

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