
Konkurenčnost tehnologij za proizvodnjo električne energije
ID POTOČAR, TJAŠA (Author), ID Pantoš, Miloš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Intenzivnemu razvoju gospodarstva in tehnologije v zadnjih 30-ih letih sledi hiter tempo življenja. Posledično se spopadamo z vedno večjimi potrebami po električni energiji, z njimi pa rastejo tudi zahteve po novih, dodatnih proizvodnih enotah. Prvi korak poti do realizacije takšnih projektov je izdelava študije, idejnega projekta. Kmalu naletimo na problem finančne smiselnosti investicije, ki je odvisna predvsem od predvidene cene električne energije, po kateri bi elektrarna na trgu prodajala svoj proizvod. Hkrati se vztrajno višajo cene primarnih energentov in ekonomska upravičenost investicije postane zelo vprašljiva. Pojavi se dvom, kako takšne investicije realizirati. Na drugi strani želi Evropa popraviti nastalo škodo in ponovno urediti prijazen bivalni prostor. Z ukrepi uporabe nizkoogljičnega čistega transporta, samooskrbnosti lokalnih gospodinjstev in na splošno uvajanja proizvodnje zelene energije si prizadeva narediti velik korak naprej. Čeprav je strošek goriva ničeln in na okolju ne pušča nezaželenih učinkov, so tovrstne proizvodne enote nezanesljive z vidika konstantne proizvodnje. Proizvodnja je odvisna od podnebja in vremenskih pogojev, narava pa je danes vedno bolj nepredvidljiva in kruta. Vsaka proizvodna tehnologija ima svoje prednosti in slabosti. V skladu z gospodarskimi in osebnimi potrebami po električni energiji ter interesi in političnimi načeli je potrebno najti kompromis – kompromis s ciljem izboljšanja življenjskega prostora in hkrati zadostiti vsem zahtevam porabnikov. V magistrski nalogi so predstavljeni različni scenariji soočanja z omenjenimi vprašanji in problematikami. Razlag in rešitev je veliko. Vsaka izmed njih pa je komentirana po principu objektivnega mnenja ekonomista, ki ga inženirji prepričujejo v investicijo.

Keywords:trg, investicija, ekonomska upravičenost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139915 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120773123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Competitiveness of electricity generation technologies
An intensive economic and technological development in the last thirty years has lead to a faster way of life. Consequently, our demands for electrical energy along with the need for new production units are rapidly growing. The first step to accomplishing such projects is the development of a study - an ideal project. When we take on such a task, we soon come across a problem in the financial sense of the investment, which depends mainly on the estimated price of electrical energy at which an electrical power plant would sell its product. Along with that, the prices of primary energy sources are growing, therefore, the economical justification of the investment becomes questionable. A question of how to successfully execute such investments appears. On the other hand, Europe is trying to repair the damage and restore a pleasant living environment. They are striving for development by ensuring a cleaner low carbon transport, self-supplying local households and generally initiating a production of greener energy. Even though the costs of such fuels are low and the environment does not have to bare any negative effects, such production units are unreliable when it comes to aspect of consistent production. Namely, such production depends on the climate and weather conditions and the nature, as we know, can be highly unpredictable. Each production technology has its advantages and disadvantages. According to economic and personal needs for electricity and the interests and political principles a compromise must be found, which should aim towards improving the environment and satisfying the needs of the consumers. Various scenarios of dealing with the previously mentioned questions and problems are presented in this paper. There are many explanations and solutions and each of them is presented from an objective opinion of an economist that is being persuaded for an investment by engineers.

Keywords:investment, economic sense, market

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