The thesis addresses the development of the pick and place application with the GLUON desktop robot. We designed a simple parallel two-wrist gripper and printed it with a 3D printer. We used an N20 electric motor with encoder and reducer for the gripper actuator, and for its control, we used an STM32 Nucleo L476RG development board. We upgraded the gripper actuator with an existing X-NUCLEO-IHM04A1 expansion board to control the gripper actuator. We built our own expansion board designed to power the Nucleo over the robot's network and connect it to its CAN communication network. We integrated the assembled gripper as a stand-alone unit on the GLUON robot. We configured the Nucleo's CPU to allow CAN communication. We based the CAN communication mode on the CANopen protocol and created dedicated messages to control the gripper. We designed and implemented a PD controller for positional control of the gripper fingers. We wrote a Python library that allows us to control the gripper from an external computer via a UDP connection. We set up a ROS environment to move the robot and taught its movements using the Pilz Industrial Motion Planner trajectory generator and demonstration files from the manufacturer. We created a Python library for robot motion using this trajectory generator. We implemented a system for teaching points by switching between the off-actuator state and the positional control of the robot. We set up the application environment, used the point teaching system to teach the robot how to execute the application, and executed it.